I know that for a lot of us who have been here for a while it is perfectly clear what our politcal affiliations are.
But I thought that it might be an interesting excercise in mutual understanding for us to post up either links to, or descriptions of, what the party we currently support 'stands for'.
Altho' I was born into the poor Working Class (natural Labour 'territory'), I am a Liberal Democrat by natural inclination, as I think an awful lot of British people are. Sadly, it is a party that has been squeezed by the contraction of the Left and the Right towards the Centre over the past thirty or forty years. That has resulted in an unfortuate drfit towards the same partisan split into two squabbling camps that so blights (in my view) American politics; this has until recently rather pushed the Liberals out of the 'game'.
As I've noted before on these pages, British Liberalism is a different animal than the American species. Indeed I have maintained that America doesn't have any left-wing or liberal politics - it has the Far Right and the Really Far Right :lol:.
So, waffling aside, what does the Liberal Democratic Party in Britain stand for? I'll let them speak for themselves:
For comparison, here is a peek at some old-school Liberals (in the Northwest of England):
Bear in mind of course, that no one party will ever have the 'basket' of policies and views that matches your own exactly - so you are always, in a sense, picking the party that offends you the least
EDIT: I should just point out that the Liberal Part and the Liberal Democrat Party are not the same thing, tho' they came from the same root. The division was a relatively recent occurrence (during the late '80's if I recall correctly).
EDIT 2: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liberal_Democrats
But I thought that it might be an interesting excercise in mutual understanding for us to post up either links to, or descriptions of, what the party we currently support 'stands for'.
Altho' I was born into the poor Working Class (natural Labour 'territory'), I am a Liberal Democrat by natural inclination, as I think an awful lot of British people are. Sadly, it is a party that has been squeezed by the contraction of the Left and the Right towards the Centre over the past thirty or forty years. That has resulted in an unfortuate drfit towards the same partisan split into two squabbling camps that so blights (in my view) American politics; this has until recently rather pushed the Liberals out of the 'game'.
As I've noted before on these pages, British Liberalism is a different animal than the American species. Indeed I have maintained that America doesn't have any left-wing or liberal politics - it has the Far Right and the Really Far Right :lol:.
So, waffling aside, what does the Liberal Democratic Party in Britain stand for? I'll let them speak for themselves:
For comparison, here is a peek at some old-school Liberals (in the Northwest of England):
Bear in mind of course, that no one party will ever have the 'basket' of policies and views that matches your own exactly - so you are always, in a sense, picking the party that offends you the least

EDIT: I should just point out that the Liberal Part and the Liberal Democrat Party are not the same thing, tho' they came from the same root. The division was a relatively recent occurrence (during the late '80's if I recall correctly).
EDIT 2: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liberal_Democrats
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