A complete Wing Chun system

Its from my notes, which are from many sources, not just 1 of some sifu's articles. The problem is redundancy... a lot of this is common knowledge stated by many folks.

Ah! That might explain why the first part sounds like something I wrote awhile back! ;-)

Ku-lo village is the style of WC you trained or are you a more mainline? If the latter.... did your research come first hand by mouth... or by book? Like Robert Chu's Complete Wing Chun... the definitive guide to wing chuns history and traditions book?
I got a signed first ed. Btw.
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Ku-lo village is the style of WC you trained or are you a more mainline? If the latter.... did your research come first hand by mouth... or by book? Like Robert Chu's Complete Wing Chun... the definitive guide to wing chuns history and traditions book?
I got a signed first ed. Btw.

I practice and teach Ku Lo Pin Sun. I learned directly from Jim Roselando and Marc Kenny with direct input from Henry Mui. I have an instructor certificate from Henry Mui.
Every style has a chink in its armor, everyone has varying levels of needs. For a teacher to make broad statements about the ability to address those needs, because they believe what they have is complete, without knowing of or understanding those individual needs is a huge red flag. With every style there is bias towards specific tactics & techniques. A boxer with rudimentary wrestling skills that are rarely reinforced may not be the best person to learn how to grapple from, simply because they have some knowledge. This is no fault of the style though, maybe it is a method that has a lot of grappling in it and the teacher just prefers boxing. The fault then lies in the man promoting the style as "complete".

This is talking mose about MA styles and individual personal style. This is different than if talking about the 'system' of WC. The system is separate from one's personal skill level or stylistic usage (preference) of a the system they are using.

FWIW I like the way I've heard it put in the past: "A WC system is complete when you cannot add to or take away from the system without also taking away it's efficiency & effectiveness". Of course, this is also based on how one views 'efficiency & effectiveness" :)