Your honest opinion on William Cheung's Wing Chun system!

Another member that missunderstood the point of my thread. I wanted to know why some of the issues mentioned above do or do not work. Esspecially the Chi Sao part. I am not pissed at all if Grandmaster Cheung's system has some superiour parts then other systems. I just dont see TWC concepts as superiour. As for "Sanda" fighters,i probably know more Gold medalists in person then yourself. I've trained with them. TWC guys from Serbia won gold medals in Sanda competitions in the past,i respect them. But still,true Wing Chun principals mean little or nothing at all in sport competitions.

Oh I understood it all right, you're attempting to drag GM Cheung's name in the mud and then hope by adding "with all respect" and other blanket nonsense statements that you can get away with it.

You do not know me and have no idea who i know. Knowing supposed "gold medalists" doesn't give you any credibility either. As long as there is no proof needed - I'm also best friends with Batman and Superman - they rank WAYYY above any gold medalists. ;)

Who the heck are you to even begin talking about "true Wing Chun principals"? Have you even attempted to compete with WC?
c'mon, please, let's not go down this road.

I think the OP didn't express himself the way he intended and there may be some misunderstandings with regard to his intentions. Let's all back off for a bit and give him a chance to straighten things out.
Oh I understood it all right, you're attempting to drag GM Cheung's name in the mud and then hope by adding "with all respect" and other blanket nonsense statements that you can get away with it.

You do not know me and have no idea who i know. Knowing supposed "gold medalists" doesn't give you any credibility either. As long as there is no proof needed - I'm also best friends with Batman and Superman - they rank WAYYY above any gold medalists. ;)

Who the heck are you to even begin talking about "true Wing Chun principals"? Have you even attempted to compete with WC?
I fought only to protect myself in the street. That's how i base my WC. As a real fighting system,one not based on rules in the competitions. Maybe you know Batman and Supermen,i don't really care. The best of Serbia's TWC people are my friends,that's what matters to me.
I am sorry if i offended you in any way. Since obviously i was missunderstood more then once,i ask moderators kindly to delete this thread. I will no longer discuss anything in these forums. I admit my mistake,the fault is mine and noone elses. Goodbye.
Don’t leave take the hit and move on, start another post but keep the questions simple to start

English not being your main language can make it rough sometimes on a mostly English forum especially the little nuances like tone. That one is hard to get in speaking and in writing harder. I cannot tell you how many arguments I have learned to avoid with my wife once I figured that little tone issue out. She is not a native English speaker either and does not always get tone of English right.

You want to discuss William Cheung then discuss William Cheung but I got to tell you it is REAL easy in the CMA section to get into a lineage fight and in Wing Chun sometimes doubly so. But then Wing Chun guys tend to be tough enough to take it…not as tough as us Taiji guys but they do ok :uhyeah:

Xue ducks covers and runs out of the Wing Chun room for fear of pummeling (exit stage left)
i really meant what i said about deleting this thread. I see i brought up some ill feelings by merely trying to discuss some things in the TWC system. As for Grandmaster William Cheung or any Grandmaster for that matter,i have nothing but respect. If life smiles upon me,i will try many Wing Chun systems in my lifetime,that's how much i love Wing Chun. But for now,please delete this,i already have a BIG headache after a hard working day.
For the last time,
i am sorry if i offended anyone.
nah, they usually do not delete a thread. If a thread gets really offensive they may lock it down and not allow it to continue, but even then they will not usually delete it.

This thread isn't really bad at all. There were just some misunderstandings, that's all. A few ruffled feathers, not a big deal. No need to close it in my opinion. It could still work out into a good discussion, so go ahead and keep it going.
Let’s back up and go from here shall we, I mean if it is ok with you

could you please give me your opinion on William Cheung's fighting system.

I really can’t say much about William Cheung I never trained in his lineage. And to be honest I am much more a Taijiquan guy than a Wing Chun guy, all I know is Siu Nim Tao.

I didnt mean to disrespect it,or Grandmaster William Cheung in any manner,but i left that kind of Wing Chun after a year or so and decided to practice something much closer to Yip Man's Hong Kong period of teaching.

Cheerz and respect to all Wing Chun schools.

The lineage I trained in was from Ip Man via Ip Chung so I am guessing it is similar to what you train. But that is as far as I can go with this.

Hopefully someone with much more experience will be along that can give you a better comparison between Ip Man and William Cheung than I…which is to say maybe someone with a little knowledge on the subject responds because I have none :D
i really meant what i said about deleting this thread. I see i brought up some ill feelings by merely trying to discuss some things in the TWC system. As for Grandmaster William Cheung or any Grandmaster for that matter,i have nothing but respect. If life smiles upon me,i will try many Wing Chun systems in my lifetime,that's how much i love Wing Chun. But for now,please delete this,i already have a BIG headache after a hard working day.
For the last time,
i am sorry if i offended anyone.

All right, I'll give - everyone deserves at least 1 mulligan.

If you really want to discuss TWC, lets start a new thread about it.
Just to expand a bit on what JKS said.

1) We dont remove threads on request unless there are valid reasons. Not thinking before posting, is not one of those categories. That being said, think before you type. This thread will be staying.

2) Rep abuse is also against the forum rules. If someone is having issues with a member, post, etc., report it.

3) As its been noted, theres obviously been some misunderstanding. Thats what happens at times, when we're reading what people are trying to say, vs actually hearing it. This thread still has some potential, so perhaps the misunderstandings can be cleared up and the thread can be brought back to the right track. :)
The problem lies in me not naming the thread in a proper way. Perhaps "My issues with some parts of TWC and your honest opinions?"
I received so much flame today,i can't think straight anymore. And i actually like TWC in a strange way.. meh..
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My honest opinion on TWC - I'll bet it did come from Yip Man.

Their clan seems more willing than most to put themselves out there on video and in competition - I respect that. You get a lot of grief the minute you put anything out on the net.

Some people tried to put out there that TWC was watered down HFY a few years back - which is utter rubbish. The two systems don't work the same, but share some similarities, same as the Chun Wa Shun style also coming from Yip Man. Its all WC in the end.

Sadly, I have never had the chance to go hands on with anyone from TWC but would like to given the chance.
You do not know me and have no idea who i know. Knowing supposed "gold medalists" doesn't give you any credibility either. As long as there is no proof needed - I'm also best friends with Batman and Superman - they rank WAYYY above any gold medalists. ;)

Well, your even superhero buddies are no match for this man's WC!

BTW, now back to the subject at hand: What bothers me about TWC is not that it takes a different approach. I enjoy seeing diversity in WC... even among Yip Man's successors. Each variation represents a trade-off. For each change, certain advantages may be lost while others may be gained. If the system is sufficiently tested, hopefully, the more effective techniques will eventually become the dominant forms. Or perhaps eventually, the different branches will continue to diverge and split into completely different systems. Either way, it's called evolution and is a fact of life.

No, what bothers me are TWC's overblown claims of being the "true, secret art" of GM Yip Man. But, a lot of people make extravagant claims. That's called making a buck, and it's another fact of life! LOL.
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From what I have seen on YouTube it's certainly different from what I Was taught. But so is most of what I see(Since my WC did not come from a Yip Man lineage). My attitude is why not appreciate the differences rather than criticize them. For me if i can use it it's just another tool in my bag . So what if it was from TWC WSL WT this that or the other. And if it's bs it's bs.

OP, I have alot of respect for people like Sifu Phil Redmond. Hes out there testing his skills. I would sure like to see more of that and less debating . Seems like this has been lost over the last 40 50 years. From what I understand WSl was undefeated. Was that Internet debating or actual fighting. Pretty sure it was the latter. So if he could do it why can't we? Rules?

Different people will infuse different things into a "classical" system. This has been going on for many years, in many systems, and it's really nothing unusual.

For example, the founder of a system that I trained in, was under Ohtsuka Shihan, in the "classical" Wado Ryu style. When he broke away, and went on his own, he infused (or re-infused?) much of the Shotokan Karate system into the Wado Ryu Karate system that he learned, and called it something else.

Some people from the classical Wado system criticized him for breaking away, claiming that he was not in accordance with what Ohtsuka Shihan taught. Some critcized him for doing away with much of the "softer" side of Wado Ryu, claiming that he was watering down the system.

His response was simply this, that Ohtsuka Shihan stated that the Wado Ryu system was not complete, and that he encouraged his students to "complete the system."

I can't argue with the results, since his legacy still lives on, and the senior instructors that remained have produced on of the largest organizations in Hawaii. They produce many excellent students, including several who are on the US National team.

Bottom line: If you don't like the hybridization that goes on in a particular school, then that's fine. You're always free to seek out a non-hybridized school, if that what makes you feel complete. You are not wrong for wanting to seek a school closer to the original, and I am not wrong for finding a hybridized school to be a good one, if they teach good martial arts.
The problem lies in me not naming the thread in a proper way. Perhaps "My issues with some parts of TWC and your honest opinions?"
I received so much flame today,i can't think straight anymore. And i actually like TWC in a strange way.. meh..

Think of your time on this forum as earning your rite of passage ... trail by fire if you will, we all had emerged for the better and learned how to share our knowledge.

So please stick around, you'll be surprise what can be learned from us old farts, and we are not so set in our ways not to at least open up to new ideas.

For what is worth, IMHO WC is WC no matter what lineage,where and when they come from, they all follow the same core concept.
From what I have seen on YouTube it's certainly different from what I Was taught. But so is most of what I see(Since my WC did not come from a Yip Man lineage).

Hey Jake, were you a HFY guy? As far as I know we're the only non-yip folks in AZ.
Hey Jake, were you a HFY guy? As far as I know we're the only non-yip folks in AZ.

No, Im originally from Ca . Where I studied WC during the 90's. The lineage was Chan Yui Man. Nothing fancy, small school, pay as go garage WC. I was young and lineage didn't really mean much to me back then, or now for that matter. I enjoy them all.

No, Im originally from Ca . Where I studied WC during the 90's. The lineage was Chan Yui Man. Nothing fancy, small school, pay as go garage WC. I was young and lineage didn't really mean much to me back then, or now for that matter. I enjoy them all.


Welcome Jake. We should all have your kind of attitude.

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