Well, your even superhero buddies are no match for this man's WC!
BTW, now back to the subject at hand: What bothers me about TWC is
not that it takes a different approach. I enjoy seeing diversity in WC... even among Yip Man's successors. Each variation represents a trade-off. For each change, certain advantages may be lost while others may be gained. If the system is sufficiently
tested, hopefully, the more effective techniques will eventually become the dominant forms. Or perhaps eventually, the different branches will continue to diverge and split into completely different systems. Either way, it's called evolution and is a fact of life.
No, what bothers me are TWC's overblown claims of being the "true, secret art" of GM Yip Man. But, a lot of people make extravagant claims. That's called making a buck, and it's another fact of life! LOL.