9/11--Was it an inside job?

Was 9/11 an inside job?

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  • No

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The official story is peer-reviewed and accepted by numerous professional associations. The wing-nut's theories?? Notsomuch.
Before you type something, you should look in the mirror and ask maybe if you are doing the same? Perhaps, what you see is merely projection of what you are doing. If you care to think about what Palmer's testimony means, you might understand why rational people would have questions.

BTW Battalion Chief Orio Palmer DIED on 911 in the South Tower. There was no "testimony"

The glaringly obvious logical problems with using Orio Palmers quote are:

Orio Palmer was in the South Staircase (Adam) on the South Tower which was not damaged because of large, heavily constructed elevator equipment which protected it.

ItÂ’s not unreasonable to expect two small fires on a floor where only a wing tip entered. What was above those floors is the question not answered by the firemanÂ’s quote.

The 78th floor was a sky lobby which didnÂ’t have much office furniture to catch fire. If there were two small fires on the 78th floor where just a wing tip entered, what must the 81st floor be like where the nose of the aircraft hit?

If there were small fires on the 78th floor just before collapse, does that mean the 78th floor never had larger fires?
No. You are definitely wrong about Palmers statement. Taking a specific transmission about what one man saw in one specific spot and extrapolating that into "evidence" of some sort of conspiracy is what you truthers do.

Ignoring an illustrative example in order to protect your own conclusion is what people with cognitive dissonance do. It's not just one guy. Hell, it could be 1517 guys and it wouldn't matter.

"The unexamined life is not worth living." - Socrates
Cognitive Dissonance. Apparently this is the 2000's version of "THE TRUTH IS OUT THERE MAN!!!".

Yawn. At least the X-Files had a hot red head.
Before you type something, you should look in the mirror and ask maybe if you are doing the same? Perhaps, what you see is merely projection of what you are doing. If you care to think about what Palmer's testimony means, you might understand why rational people would have questions.

Orio Palmer died in the South Tower's collapse. It wasn't "testimony," they were the last words ever heard from him.

By distorting and nusing those words out of context,you're spitting on his memory.....again.

By denying that you're spitting on his memory, you're demonstrating your own congnitive dissonance.

If you don't think you have cognitive dissonance about an emotionally charged issue, you have cognitive dissonance.

Well, no. I recognize and have acknowledged just how emotionally charged it is for me.

In spite of that, I have debunked and pointed out the utter falsehood and manipulation of every bit of "contrary evidence," and I've also-quite dispassionately, given my usual hyperbole and snark-demonstrated precisely how one can reach the conclusions of the "official story" as being valid.

You, on the other hand, cling to falsehoods, half-truths, and out of context data-reverse engineering the science to fit your preconceived conclusions, and calling anyone who supports the official story "cognitively dissonant," as well as insisting that there "is no evidence," and that "we can't possibly know," when, in fact, there is evidence, and we do know.

Wrong about everything! LOL! I thought I was the King of Hyperbole!

Well, what have you been right about on this entire thread? Honestly?

Ever since Skeptic magazine published an investigative article on the 9/11 "Truth Movement" and analyzed their claims, which were found wanting, I have been hounded by the so-called 9/11 "truthers" because I am the editor of the magazine and therefore am suppose to be a "skeptic" of the official explanation for 9/11.

In the early 1990s I launched a full-scale investigation of the Holocaust deniers, initially as the cover story for Skeptic magazine and subsequently expanded into a book length treatment, Denying History: Who Says the Holocaust Never Happened and Why Do They Say it? The deniers employ this tactic of anomalies-as-proof to great effect. David Irving, for example, claims that there are no holes in the roof of the gas chamber at Krema 2 at Auschwitz-Birkenau. So what? So plenty, he says. No holes in the roof of the gas chamber at Krema 2 means that the eyewitness account of SS guards climbing up on the roof and pouring Zyklon-B gas pellets through the holes and into the gas chamber below where the prisoners were herded into, means that the eyewitness account is wrong, which means that no one was gassed in Krema 2, which means that no one was gassed at Auschwitz-Birkenau, which means that no one was gassed at any prison camp, which means that no Jews anywhere were systematically exterminated by the Nazis. In short, "no holes, no Holocaust," says David Irving, a slogan emblazoned on t-***** of his supporters at his London trial in which he sued a historian for calling him a Holocaust denier.

No holes, no Holocaust. No melted steel, no Al-Qaeda attack. The parallels are equal, and equally flawed. And just as I never imagined that Holocaust denial would wend its way into the mainstream press (Irving's trial was front page news for months), after my above conversation with the filmmaker I never imagined that 9/11 denial would get media legs. But now it has legs for days, and so we have been forced to provide a public response. To read our complete analysis of the claims of the 9/11 conspiracy theorists, go here.

The similarity in thought patterns across conspiracy memes is interesting.
Being that this thread has gone on for so long, and that there are so many opinions on this topic that it really says a lot about how hot button it really is.

Staunch stances on both sides how brought up valid points all around..and this is healthy.

I have a feeling that the "9/11 inside job" Theories are going to be going on for generations to come. Those who had lost loved ones are still going to ask more questions, and those like myself who are in search of the absolute truth, will still seek it.
Stop the presses.
This just in.
Came into my email.
Ultra top secret stuff.

This is the truth: The WTC was destroyed by 3 underground thermo-nuclear explosions. They were detonated by the US government who used this as an excuse to lead the US and its allies into invading Afghanistan and Iraq. All these wars and deaths were based on a lie

Now please excuse me, I have to go shoot my email software.
Stop the presses.
This just in.
Came into my email.
Ultra top secret stuff.

Now please excuse me, I have to go shoot my email software.


What people fail to realise, is that nation-states never really need an excuse to do anything. If you want to hit someone, you just walk up and punch them in the nose. Its easier to ask forgiveness then to ask permission.

What people fail to realise, is that nation-states never really need an excuse to do anything. If you want to hit someone, you just walk up and punch them in the nose. Its easier to ask forgiveness then to ask permission.

IDK if that counts if 9/11 is an inside job.