8-year-old girl's marriage ruled legal

Aye? . Is there another explanation ?

Yeah.....:lfao:......it's ......:lfao:......old age gettin' a grip on ya!. :lfao: :lfao: :lfao:

(Started having the exact same sort of symptoms myself, not too long ago....:lfao: )
We talk about a lot of things in this forum that we can do nothing about.

Why should this one be any different?

But that still doesn't mean that we can't discuss it. Hopefully civilly.
An 8-year-old girl was legally forced into a marriage, despite her and her mother's objections, through a court-approved process. She maintains the right to annul before reaching age of consent, and (as far as the discussion's shown), hasn't actually been touched by the husband.

She maintains the right to divorce. It won't be easy. It won't be cheap. It will be a logistical nightmare under the current laws that forbid women from driving or hailing a cab. Her husband can turn her life in to an even bigger hell if she tries. And her chances of finding a young fellow her own age and in tune with her likes and interests have tanked because even if she does managed to do to pull off the divorce, she will still be an 18 (or so) year old divorcee....and far less desirable to the families that waited until their sons came of age to see if they could find a match with a family that wants something similar for their daughter.
What incentive does Western media have to show moderate Muslims, clerics or civilians? Do calm, peaceful, rational people make good news? Do you speak Arabic, or Persian? Do you watch media in their language? Hell, do you ever check out Aljazeera's english broadcasts? We only here what our media presents, assuming that is the whole story is willful blindness.
Good point. I actually do watch Aljazeera from time to time and they don't change my view of the islamic world.
Watching Aljazeera, I feel, just gives me another perspective to view things in. It probably wouldn't just blatantly change your view of the muslim world, but it does inform the one you have. The other question would be do you have any Muslim friends you speak to regularly be they Arab, Persian, Turkish, Indonesian, Philipino, Nigerian, Chinese, Uzbeki, Kurdish, Serbian, African American or otherwise?
Watching Aljazeera, I feel, just gives me another perspective to view things in. It probably wouldn't just blatantly change your view of the muslim world, but it does inform the one you have. The other question would be do you have any Muslim friends you speak to regularly be they Arab, Persian, Turkish, Indonesian, Philipino, Nigerian, Chinese, Uzbeki, Kurdish, Serbian, African American or otherwise?
I was born in West Yorkshire and raised in both West and North Yorkshire. Many of the kids in my school were of Middle Eastern origin and all of the middle eastern kids were islamic. Some of them were friends and some of them were bitter enemies. Leeds is heavily islamic, if you go to Harehills or Chapeltown you won't see many people of Anglo origin. So yes, I have experience of islamic culture. By the way, I have been very careful in refering to my distaste of "radical" islam and not islam in general. I also have distaste for any religious and non-religious fanatical groups that kill people, including the christian fanatics who blow up abortion clinics and federal buildings and the one in the North of Ireland who blew up the Main street of Omagh in 1996.That being said, 'radical' muslims hate our way of life and their only answer is to destroy us.
By the way, my wife's father is of Turkish origin and my Hapkido teacher of years in Dublin, who was a great influence in my life is islamic and Persian. So please believe me, I don't write blindly.
She maintains the right to divorce. It won't be easy. It won't be cheap. It will be a logistical nightmare under the current laws that forbid women from driving or hailing a cab. Her husband can turn her life in to an even bigger hell if she tries. And her chances of finding a young fellow her own age and in tune with her likes and interests have tanked because even if she does managed to do to pull off the divorce, she will still be an 18 (or so) year old divorcee....and far less desirable to the families that waited until their sons came of age to see if they could find a match with a family that wants something similar for their daughter.

I agree, and I hope nobody took my post as an endorsement of how things happened, because it's not. I just meant to point out that child molestation and abuse are not (as far as the discussion's gone) part of the discussion yet.
There are also several movements in Saudi Arabia right now looking to change the system, from within.
Which is the only way it could-or should-happen.

It's certainly the ideal way that such social changes happen, but I'm quite certain that it won't always be the case. Some institutions are so well ingrained that nothing short of war or revolution will change them.

The question this threa's been dancing around for...what, 12 pages now?...is when is an outside force justified to come in and start enforcing such change. I would agree that to just "drag them into the 21st century kicking and screaming" qualifies as a crusade, no matter how unjust their actions are.
How would it feel if they decided to do the same to us, to "correct" our viewpoint?
I was born in West Yorkshire and raised in both West and North Yorkshire. Many of the kids in my school were of Middle Eastern origin and all of the middle eastern kids were islamic. Some of them were friends and some of them were bitter enemies. Leeds is heavily islamic, if you go to Harehills or Chapeltown you won't see many people of Anglo origin. So yes, I have experience of islamic culture. By the way, I have been very careful in refering to my distaste of "radical" islam and not islam in general. I also have distaste for any religious and non-religious fanatical groups that kill people, including the christian fanatics who blow up abortion clinics and federal buildings and the one in the North of Ireland who blew up the Main street of Omagh in 1996.That being said, 'radical' muslims hate our way of life and their only answer is to destroy us.
By the way, my wife's father is of Turkish origin and my Hapkido teacher of years in Dublin, who was a great influence in my life is islamic and Persian. So please believe me, I don't write blindly.

I'm not assuming you write blindly, but our original exchange had to do with how you don't see anything in the media about any clerics condemning the actions of radical Muslims. And my response basically had to do with checking other sources than just what we see in our media. I've noticed that you qualify all your statements by saying 'radical Islam' and not just a condemnation of Islam across the board to your credit, so my point was that if you look at sources other than our media, which you seem exposed to, what do you see and hear? Every Muslim that I've ever spoken to about these issues condemns the actions of radical Muslims. Most disagree with Wahhabism. Even the more conservative, traditionally educated Muslim friends I've known condemn these as against Islam, and as others have shown, terrorism in the name of Islam has been condemned by numerous Muslims leaders.
Like our views on restricting abortion rights, limited health care for the unemployed, the acceptability of poverty and ghettos,...

If a middle eastern country such as Afghanistan tried to "correct" these things in our country, it would be toward eliminating abortion rights altogether, doing away with health care for the unemployed and making ghettos and poverty more acceptable...after all, that's pretty much what they have over there right now.

Or were you being ironic?
If a middle eastern country such as Afghanistan tried to "correct" these things in our country, it would be toward eliminating abortion rights altogether, doing away with health care for the unemployed and making ghettos and poverty more acceptable...after all, that's pretty much what they have over there right now.

Or were you being ironic?

Let me try to clarify:

How would it feel if they decided to do the same to us, to "correct" our viewpoint?

It would feel a lot like jetliners flying into skyscrapers 8 years ago.
I still think that an 8 year old that is sollicited into an adult relationship is being robbed of the right to be a child and discover and choose their own path.
I don't think it is right. I can't imagine any sane mature man being intellectualy satisfied with an eight year old wife- unless of course, the mofo has 20 other wives of varying age.
Basically, i bet that these kinds of people who marry kids are freaks even in their own cultures-it is shocking to see that such actions can be deemed legal. But on the other hand, you'll find such perversions in western cultures as well-albeit far more concealed. Like the freaks that lock up their daughters and make babies with them or lock up young girls(and they don't even get publicly hanged or castrated!!). Even rich people in western societies that are so blasted rich and powerful that they get away with crimes that may be seen as even more dispicable as the aforementioned unholy marriage.

I still think that an 8 year old that is sollicited into an adult relationship is being robbed of the right to be a child and discover and choose their own path.
I don't think it is right. I can't imagine any sane mature man being intellectualy satisfied with an eight year old wife- unless of course, the mofo has 20 other wives of varying age.
Basically, i bet that these kinds of people who marry kids are freaks even in their own cultures-it is shocking to see that such actions can be deemed legal. But on the other hand, you'll find such perversions in western cultures as well-albeit far more concealed. Like the freaks that lock up their daughters and make babies with them or lock up young girls(and they don't even get publicly hanged or castrated!!). Even rich people in western societies that are so blasted rich and powerful that they get away with crimes that may be seen as even more dispicable as the aforementioned unholy marriage.


I do not condone child marriage in any way, shape, or form, but it seems like you didn't read all the posts here. The girl is not going to live with the husband until she is much older, and the marriage will not be consummated until then. Child bribes around the world are not that uncommon, and generally it is considered acceptable where it occurs.

In addition marriage for love, or romance, or for finding an intellectual satisfiying partner is a relatively recent phenomenon in human history, it is not what marriage is based on in most societies.

Note, again, for the selective readers here, I do not condone child marriage in any form, and I do believe that marriage should be about love and partnership.
Sorry about that, i will backtrack to inform myself better.

Still almost just as messed up if not even more devious. Although it is at least good to know that there is no kid getting molested in the name of marriage.
