5 reasons TaeKwonDo as a system (not individual techniques) breaks down in a Muay Thai ring

Feel free to spend your life in sackcloth and ashes. I hope the loud exhaust from my Corvette doesn't interfere with your ability to sleep under the bridge.
Yeah, but you made your millions as an EMT/Paramedic/I don't know exactly which, not as a TKD McDojo master :)
Yeah, but you made your millions as an EMT/Paramedic/I don't know exactly which, not as a TKD McDojo master :)

I was reminded of this earlier today: I had this conversation with a person about five years ago - they were saying that physicians should work for free.

"But how would they pay their bills?"

"Look, those people went into that profession to save lives. If they really cared about saving people's lives they wouldn't be asking for money to do it."

"But like...where would they live?"

"They could live in the hospitals."

"Wouldn't hospitals have to charge you more then?"

"No, hospitals shouldn't charge money either."

Clearly, I was dealing with a wily genius.
Yeah, but you made your millions as an EMT/Paramedic/I don't know exactly which, not as a TKD McDojo master :)

I'm an ER nurse. I've actually never made a dime for teaching TKD. But I'm not so stupid that I think there's anything inherently wrong with making a living. Even a comfortable one. Thinking that sort of nonsense is usually the prerogative of those still living in their parents basement.
Thinking that sort of nonsense is usually the prerogative of those still living in their parents basement.

It has been my conjecture for a couple of days now that the real reason Axiom doesn't change taekwondo schools is because the school he's in now is the only school his parents are willing to pay for.
I'm an ER nurse. I've actually never made a dime for teaching TKD. But I'm not so stupid that I think there's anything inherently wrong with making a living. Even a comfortable one. Thinking that sort of nonsense is usually the prerogative of those still living in their parents basement.
I'm all for everyone making a ton of money in an honest way. Doesn't matter what they're doing, so long as it's legal and they're not putting me in the poorhouse. MA teachers included.
It has been my conjecture for a couple of days now that the real reason Axiom doesn't change taekwondo schools is because the school he's in now is the only school his parents are willing to pay for.
Why can't I rate that as funny, like, and agree all at the same time?

Or maybe he still has 10 years left on his McDojo contract. Most likely both.
Has the OP commented on any other threads other than his own? Just curious to see whether he actually wants to have a conversation with people or just lecture and harangue those he thinks need edumacating. :D
Has the OP commented on any other threads other than his own? Just curious to see whether he actually wants to have a conversation with people or just lecture and harangue those he thinks need edumacating. :D
Please don't give him any ideas. We can't stop his craziness; we can only hope to contain it :)
Please don't give him any ideas. We can't stop his craziness; we can only hope to contain it :)
I have a plan...

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Hands up if you have actually learned anything from this thread; hands down if it wasn't from the OP...

In its heyday, the Jhoon Rhee style of taekwondo was popular in the mid-Atlantic states of the US. I had heard that it had also gained some inroads in Eastern Europe.

Here in the U.S. the style seems to have all but died-out. I know of 3 remaining schools here in Virginia, and one in Texas. From this thread I learned that the Jhoon Rhee style of taekwondo is still alive in Eastern Europe.

I also learned that if I ever start my own dojang, placing it next to a strip club will make it more memorable.
Please don't give him any ideas. We can't stop his craziness; we can only hope to contain it :)

Lol, I'm busy this weekend so won't be online so do enjoy yourselves!

Best wishes to you all. Eat, (something sweet) drink and be merry!

Unless they share common traits. Like unrealistic feed back.

But if they share traits why not use the non pedantic example?

The reason is that mockery for some is a sufficient replacement for sound argument.

An exaggeration conflated with reality leaves a mark in the mind that the subject is equally rediculous, when if that were true, there wiuld be no need of the exaggeration.
How? If I show you a technique, what does it matter if I did it for free or for 1 million dollars? It's the same technique either way.

Would it work better if I had less money in my savings than if I had more? Do elaborate.

Money generates greed, greed generates power, power generates corruption. Human nature 101.