Favorite Breaking Technique

I've seen some of those XMA guys that break with spear hands. Thats something I've always wanted to try but never got around to yet.
I've seen some of those XMA guys that break with spear hands. Thats something I've always wanted to try but never got around to yet.

Takes alot of time to condition for a spearhand break. If you really want to do it, then start spearing your hand into a bucket of water. Then let the medium start getting more firm. Once you can spear into wet sand to the point where your hand is halfway in, then you should be ready.
My favorite break with foot is a 360 speed break, and for the hand I usually do a speed break ridge hand or a spearhand. So far, I've never injured my hand at breaking, but did break some bones when sparring coming in late with a block from a side kick pinning my hand against my hip. Still it has never hindered me from breaking.
Well, the 2 breaks I was happiest with were head-high twist kick and a 2-handed break (2 tiles, 1 with each hand, downward knifehand on each, simultaneously) - both of which I did for my IV Dan test. The hand break was a lot easier than it sounds - but the the twist kick took me 6 months of prep t be able to do at that height... but it was worth it for the look on my sahbum's face when I said that was my choice of the possible breaks, and even more, the look on his face when I broke it.

As far as tiles go, exile, they are, in many ways, easier to break than wood - as you say, they are brittle rather than springy, and as long as you get them in a batch, they are all the same consistency (cement can vary from batch to batch). They also don't have a grain the way wood does, so as far as breaking goes, it's really mostly a matter of hitting them hard enough in the right spot. We don't use pavers, however - we use cement roofing tiles, available from most materials yards. They're usually about 12" x 16", and about 1" thick - thicker where the support ribs are. The key to breaking tiles is to hit them in the center, as far from the supporting cinder blocks as possible.
maybe I should ask for tiles instead of bricks for my next testing if I ever get there lol
Personally I just really like to break stuff with any technique. My favorite though is the ridge hand. I also love the spinning heel kick and blindfolded jumping turning side kick. Oh I also love speed breaking.
I think NewGuy and I are racing to see who breaks their fingers first, I mean, break with a spear hand first :D
Kacey, where do you find 1" think tiles at? I can only find 1.5-2" thick pavers.
At a materials yard that sells wholesale construction materials - not Home Depot, but a place geared for contractors - and they're not pavers, they're concrete roofing tiles. There's a lot of variation, but the roofing tiles are thinner and larger than the pavers.
At a materials yard that sells wholesale construction materials - not Home Depot, but a place geared for contractors - and they're not pavers, they're concrete roofing tiles. There's a lot of variation, but the roofing tiles are thinner and larger than the pavers.

Thank you for the info.
My favorite break with foot is a 360 speed break, and for the hand I usually do a speed break ridge hand or a spearhand. So far, I've never injured my hand at breaking, but did break some bones when sparring coming in late with a block from a side kick pinning my hand against my hip. Still it has never hindered me from breaking.

You are my new hero! I'm never gonna complain about being old, tired or sore again. You're the man!

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