ha ha ha.. Yeah should. That's a creat idea. Let's see what Co Pilot says.
"Someone told me that I should look on my phone for tips on why people talk to me all the time. What should I do?"
Talking to yourself is a common behavior, and it’s not at all “crazy.” In fact, it can be beneficial for your mental health. Here are some reasons why people talk to themselves:
Combat Loneliness: Sometimes, external self-talk helps compensate for social isolation. When you talk to yourself, it can make you feel less lonely, as if you have someone to converse with12.
Organize Thoughts: Verbalizing thoughts helps organize information, solve problems, and enhance cognitive processes. It’s like having an external aid to maintain concentration and mental clarity, especially during complex tasks13.
Self-Motivation: People also talk to themselves as a form of self-motivation and encouragement. It’s like giving yourself a pep talk1.
So, feel free to continue talking to yourself—it’s perfectly normal!
Turns out that CoPilot has a sense of humor too.