40 Annoyances in Modern Life


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Nov 21, 2020
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A survey has gathered these as as modern life’s 40 top annoyances. What do you think?

1. Intermittent WiFi connection

2. Calls from unknown numbers

3. Forgetting passwords

4. Running out of phone battery

5. Late trains/buses

6. Paying extra for luggage on a flight

7. When your computer needs to 'update' seemingly every morning

8. Not being able to find the end of the sticky tape

9. Running out of mobile phone data

10. Not having enough leg room on a journey

11. Adverts with no 'skip' button on YouTube videos

12. Videos you're watching via a streaming service (such as Netflix) on TV that are buffering

13. When you crack your mobile phone screen

14. Autocorrect on your phone

15. When your phone runs out of space

16. Bars or shops that no longer accept cash payments

17. Websites with no email address

18. Not being able to fast forward live TV

19. No space on the tube

20. Tangled earphones

21. Mobile phone updates

22. Your takeaway taking more than 30 minutes to arrive

23. Getting the wrong order with your supermarket online shop

24. ‘Average speed' speed cameras

25. Someone already taking the username you want for a social media account

26. Apps that almost, but not quite, do what you need

27. People who call you, when you asked for a text or vice versa

28. When you straighten your hair and it rains

29. Answerphone messages

30. Having a dietary requirement like being gluten free or vegan

31. When the air conditioning takes too long to cool or heat your car

32. Not being able to pay-at-pump when you're in a rush

33. Forgetting to charge your wireless headphones

34. Never knowing if you can trust your car reversing sensors

35. People who don't pick up to withheld numbers

36. Living outside the delivery radius of the nearest Chinese restaurant

37. Getting photo prints which don't fit in the frame

38. Switching from iOS to Android, or vice versa

39. When you cancel your Spotify Premium so you have to sit through adverts

40. Your story not uploading to Instagram or Facebook
1) People.
2) Non-Veterans who tell me how all veterans think, feel, believe, or act.
3) Non-Veterans who think they're in 'the Veteran club' because their cousin's uncle's neighbor was in "The Nam."
4) Fireworks.
5) Young people who tell me about historical things that they get wrong, and I know because I WAS THERE.
6) Getting old.
7) People on my lawn. Get off it. No, seriously. Get off my lawn.

But you could reduce it to just people. They're the worst.
None of the things on the first list are even blips on my radar. Now I feel like a dinosaur. If those are the most annoying things for people now I'm living too hard.
They really are first world issues of little consequence, but annoyances they are.

7 is annoying, but mainly a Windows issue.

11 effects me deeply. I had to stop watching a brilliant video the other day because every 90-120sec a 58 sec, unskippable advert began. When adverts do intrude my watching, I hit mute and look out of the window until it passes.
Alot of this can be solved by doing thing "the old fashioned way."

For example, actually wearing a watch. And I don't mean a "smart watch." A $20 digital Timex will last you a few years, and you'll never have to recharge it during the day.

The real annoyances to me is that many of the "old fashioned way" of doing things is now being taken away from us. For example, paying with cash. The availability of payphones - and if payphones were still around, I'd be less worried about my cell phone battery dying.

Another annoying thing, that many people may not have noticed - Greyhound getting rid of the bus stations in non-major cities. They contract with local convenience stores now. So you have no place to sit down and take shelter from the elements anymore. The suck factor is compounded even further by the fact that Greyhound is always three hours late these days, so you'll be standing around the convenience store that much longer.
A survey has gathered these as as modern life’s 40 top annoyances. What do you think?

1. Intermittent WiFi connection

2. Calls from unknown numbers

3. Forgetting passwords

4. Running out of phone battery

5. Late trains/buses

6. Paying extra for luggage on a flight

7. When your computer needs to 'update' seemingly every morning

8. Not being able to find the end of the sticky tape

9. Running out of mobile phone data

10. Not having enough leg room on a journey

11. Adverts with no 'skip' button on YouTube videos

12. Videos you're watching via a streaming service (such as Netflix) on TV that are buffering

13. When you crack your mobile phone screen

14. Autocorrect on your phone

15. When your phone runs out of space

16. Bars or shops that no longer accept cash payments

17. Websites with no email address

18. Not being able to fast forward live TV

19. No space on the tube

20. Tangled earphones

21. Mobile phone updates

22. Your takeaway taking more than 30 minutes to arrive

23. Getting the wrong order with your supermarket online shop

24. ‘Average speed' speed cameras

25. Someone already taking the username you want for a social media account

26. Apps that almost, but not quite, do what you need

27. People who call you, when you asked for a text or vice versa

28. When you straighten your hair and it rains

29. Answerphone messages

30. Having a dietary requirement like being gluten free or vegan

31. When the air conditioning takes too long to cool or heat your car

32. Not being able to pay-at-pump when you're in a rush

33. Forgetting to charge your wireless headphones

34. Never knowing if you can trust your car reversing sensors

35. People who don't pick up to withheld numbers

36. Living outside the delivery radius of the nearest Chinese restaurant

37. Getting photo prints which don't fit in the frame

38. Switching from iOS to Android, or vice versa

39. When you cancel your Spotify Premium so you have to sit through adverts

40. Your story not uploading to Instagram or Facebook
Wow. none of these are annoyances for me.
Many of these annoyances seem to be things not functioning as they’re supposed or not planning ahead.

My major irritation is seeing people check their phones all the time and in all situations. What is so important that needs to be checked between every set in the gym? What’s more fascinating on your phone than the person sitting opposite during a meal together with them? When out for a walk, shouldn’t you be looking around rather than down at the phone in one’s hand? I almost pity these people as Impity people addicted to cigarettes.

Also the trend to have to rate everything. ‘Please rate our delivery.’ ‘How did we do?’ ‘Please rate the toilet brush you bought.’ I’ve taken to writing spoof humorous reviews now.
None of the things on the first list are even blips on my radar. Now I feel like a dinosaur. If those are the most annoying things for people now I'm living too hard.
ha ha ha.. I was thinking the same thing. Or it could just mean that we don't sweat the small stuff. People go "Code Red" at the drop of a pin these days. Things must be going well if Paying for Bills doesn't pop up anywhere.
Many of these annoyances seem to be things not functioning as they’re supposed or not planning ahead.

My major irritation is seeing people check their phones all the time and in all situations. What is so important that needs to be checked between every set in the gym? What’s more fascinating on your phone than the person sitting opposite during a meal together with them? When out for a walk, shouldn’t you be looking around rather than down at the phone in one’s hand? I almost pity these people as Impity people addicted to cigarettes.

Also the trend to have to rate everything. ‘Please rate our delivery.’ ‘How did we do?’ ‘Please rate the toilet brush you bought.’ I’ve taken to writing spoof humorous reviews now.
lol what are you 70 years old? lol Don't hate the phone. lol. The cell phone is a security blanket for many people. I intentionally leave the house without it sometimes. By the time I get to the end of the my street which is like 50 ft. It's out of my mind that I don't have it. I just go where I need to go and then come back home.
If you cracked your phone’s screen, you wouldn’t be annoyed?
lol I still haven't cracked my phone screen yet, But if I ever do, I wouldn't be annoyed. I just know that I need to get another one. Stuff breaks, get it fixed or get it replaced.

Stuff that annoys me are things like when I'm in the mood to focus on doing something and for some reason that's the exact same time that everyone wants to talk to me or needs help from me. Which kills the mood and focus away from what I wanted to do.
lol what are you 70 years old? lol Don't hate the phone. lol. The cell phone is a security blanket for many people. I intentionally leave the house without it sometimes. By the time I get to the end of the my street which is like 50 ft. It's out of my mind that I don't have it. I just go where I need to go and then come back home.
Exactly! Your behaviour is normal. This is what I expect. Staring at it is not normal. This is what I find irritating. I have a suspicion that the length of time staring at ones phone is inversely proportional to intelligence.

As for phones being a security blanket, babies and little kids with attachment issues have security blankets and with regards personal safety, staring at ones phone all the time puts you at greater potential risk. If I were a miscreant, I know who I’d target. 😈
If you cracked your phone’s screen, you wouldn’t be annoyed?
To give you an example, I once had a phone that would drain quickly. In order to power it back on , I would have to do a combination of slapping the phone on my knee or hand as if it was a mechanical gear that wasn't catching and pressing the power button. I did that for 2 years and wasn't annoyed.

Having to reinstall all of my software after I have to recover my computer or after buying a new computer is more of an annoyance than the 2 years of me and that broken phone that had trouble powering on.
lol I still haven't cracked my phone screen yet, But if I ever do, I wouldn't be annoyed. I just know that I need to get another one. Stuff breaks, get it fixed or get it replaced.
You’re clearly wealthy…
Stuff that annoys me are things like when I'm in the mood to focus on doing something and for some reason that's the exact same time that everyone wants to talk to me or needs help from me. Which kills the mood and focus away from what I wanted to do.
I’m surprised anyone that knows you wants to talk to you 😉 It sounds like you have poor attentional skills and the ability to multitask. You should check your phone for tips on these issues.
To give you an example, I once had a phone that would drain quickly. In order to power it back on , I would have to do a combination of slapping the phone on my knee or hand as if it was a mechanical gear that wasn't catching and pressing the power button. I did that for 2 years and wasn't annoyed.
😆😂🤣 I bet everyone around you was annoyed. When you’re not irritated, you’re probably the unwitting the irritant.
What is so important that needs to be checked between every set in the gym?
I use the BodyFit app. I follow the programs in the app, and I use the app to track my workouts and the timer for the rest between sets.
I use the BodyFit app. I follow the programs in the app, and I use the app to track my workouts and the timer for the rest between sets.
I use a little note book to track my progress. The ‘old fashioned’ way.😉
Exactly! Your behaviour is normal. This is what I expect. Staring at it is not normal. This is what I find irritating. I have a suspicion that the length of time staring at ones phone is inversely proportional to intelligence.

As for phones being a security blanket, babies and little kids with attachment issues have security blankets and with regards personal safety, staring at ones phone all the time puts you at greater potential risk. If I were a miscreant, I know who I’d target. 😈
Most of the things I use my phone for are 2-5 minutes at a time. If I'm on it for longer than that them I'm usually trying to "hurry up and wait"
What is so important that needs to be checked between every set in the gym?
Unless it's tells you the next exercise that you should be doing, Nothing. I use a gym app as a timer. So I turn it on and listen to it. Then I have a new fitness app that I used to tell me what exercise I should do next, but once I learn it, I don't need to look. I don't record reps on my phone.
You’re clearly wealthy…
Far from. it. I only have 2 options. Get your screen fixed or buy a new one. My phone is outdated. I have a Samsung 10 I can either get the screen fix or I can get a new one. Depending on how old the phone is when the screen breaks, I would be better off just buying a new one.

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