Wasp spray vs pepper spray

Let's see...

Don't spray a stream of liquid fire into the wind if you can help it. Yep; that's special training. I'm presuming you are male; unless you grew up in the inner city, you probably learned that one with a different fluid by age 7 or so...

Jim Croce even addressed the principle:

I've got a simple question for you. What qualifies you to speak on the issue? I'm a working cop; I've used the stuff. I've experienced it. I know something of what I speak. You still sound like a kid cribbing from the back of The Punisher's War Journal or old copies of Soldier of Fortune.

What's wrong with those old Punisher War Journals?

At any rate, i'm a working street cop too, have been for 12 years now......and i'm still amazed by the number of cops who can screw up a one-car parade with a can of pepper spray.............'Simple' ain't always.
No, you don't.

That's why the frigging stuff is sold in about a bazillion places, as keychains and flashlights, and lots of other things.

OC is simple; it really is "spray & pray" because, in my experience -- it works best on cops. And is least effective on drunk/drugged/otherwise-altered consciousness ogres who are attacking people...

Oh, and, in case you wondered, yeah, I do know what I'm talking about, since I carry a canister of the damn stuff on my duty belt at work.

And the Taser is nothing like electrocuting someone.

Are you copying your ideas out of the back of a comic book or something?

I've found the problem with Pepper Spray, even with most cops, is the unrealistic expectations associated with it.

I've found OC Spray to be EXTREMELY effective.....when properly applied......but effective at what? For me, all it has to be is effective at causing a distraction, while I apply an effective takedown and subsequent handcuffing.

Of course the OTHER problem is that most Departments carry the old Def-Tec First Defense spray, which is about as potent as the average serving of General Tso's Chicken.......OC Spray effectiveness in some sense is like talking about handgun calibers.........this versus that ends up often times being relative........but in the case of First Defense, it's like carrying a .25 ACP as a duty weapon.

Of course you are correct about it working so well on cops.......I may be biased by the fact that it doesn't particularly effect me on the street like it does in training, so much so that i've been famous for using OC Spray as a grappling tool, not really concerned whether I get spray all over me, if it gets all over the face of the suspect........if I had the kind of adverse reactions some officers I know have I would not think as highly of OC Spray.

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