24 technique vs 16 Technique Parker Kenpo

  • Thread starter Thread starter brianhunter
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I guess the poll was recently added because there has not been a post here for months.

And I know this point was argued to death on another thread several months ago as well.

But here is a link to the "Original" 16 Technique Curriculum with a bit of history, all straight from Mr. Duffy (except where I may have made a typo) and very much in accordance with the previous posts by Mr. Billings and Mr. Conatser (as you might expect):
Hey Doug,
Just to let you know the poll was there when the thread started :0)
I was just wondering, because it was showing up as a recent post/thread but the most recent post was a long time ago.

I didn't think you could add a Poll later. Maybe it is a glitch from the Crash?
Anyway, there is a LONG discussion about the curriculum somewhere on here. Or there was. Kirk was involved, he may remember. :asian:
A new vote in a poll will be registered as a new post in the main forum listing. It's a bit misleading.

-MT Admin-
It's probably a good one to keep alive, it will prevent the same topic from being rehashed.
Originally posted by Goldendragon7
this is an "old" string!! look at the dates..... who raised this from the dead....

Someone cast a new vote apparently! We can close the poll if people wish (I think!).

-MT Admin-
yes pleeaasseee close it LOL cant believe I asked that shheeessshhh
The poll is closed, but the thread is open. People can post replies but cannot vote.

-MT Admin-
Hate to bring this topic back up but was just doing some research. My instructor is thinking about changing to 16. Anyway, was looking for the other thread that was mentioned in this one and can't find it. Can I get a little help please.

In my opinion if you go to Michael Billings webpage, you will be rewarded with
some of the best information avaliable on the web regarding what is Kempo/Kenpo.

The more you read it the more you respect the time and energy, that went into the dedication and thought that has been presented. It is definitely a sticker.

I think that the number of techniques is not nearly as relavent whether or not the fundamental concepts that make it all work are still there. If there were five techniques per belt, what would it matter as lonf as the concepts were technically and tactically sound?

On the other hand, there are instructors out there that "throw out" certain things that they personally can't do properly or just don't understand. That's just straight up bastardizing the art.

Tim Kashino
Hi all,

I feel the amount of techs are not as important ( has been said many times) as the overall concept of the art.

We seem to be in a time of change. But, if you will look back (the more we are able to do), with the computer and new information, knowledge that is put forth daily. We see that the same turmoil has been going on for decades.

The newer, better techs and arts etc. The same can be said about alot of the various sports and the players.

Same story, different time zone.

We are just privy to the instant story or discussion.

Katas are the basic building blocks of all the arts, call them dances,forms, whatever. That is the way the arts have been saved and handed down for a long time. Time proven. FMA now calls it the flow?

My Thought is the tech. is in the eye of the beholder, innovator, etc.
If you are not happy with the teaching move on. Enjoy it or go to another location and continue with your path.

Regards, Gary
Flatlander, Would you consider the drills and not the flow? Or the flow and not the drills?

I am editing after looking up information in books that I have, I think they will add something to my thoughts....

First... The Book (sock) Secrets of Chinese Karate By Ed Parker Chapter 19, set and forms.

Second... The Book, The Filipino Martial Arts as taught by Dan Inosanto, page 142, Flow.

Some say tomato and some say tomaaato.

Regards, Gary