Originally posted by jeffkyle
Ok, here goes, this question has plagued me long enough. And it may have been discussed before, and i just missed it. Here goes.....If Mr. Parker was going to rearrange the curriculum to 16, then why did he lay the system out under the 24 techniques in Book 5?
Yes, it has been discussed before in depth, but I'll comment again anyway........
I guess you could ask the same question when you were utilizing the 32 technique system as well couldn't you...........................
"If Mr. Parker was going to rearrange the curriculum to 24, then why did he lay the system out under the 32 techniques originally"?
The answer is simple. Progress and evolution of system.
Originally as the techniques, forms and sets were "being developed" the SYSTEM or CURRICULUM took on many forms or several different combinations ... many of which were experimental or by trial and error (techniques forms and sets were placed at various different ranks depending upon what was available at the time - we even used kung fu forms as fillers until our forms were officially developed and inserted into the system) until Mr. Parker arrived at a curriculum he was happy with.
With the advent of commercialism in the 60's there was an increased need to develop a curriculum so as to be able to "sell" the system in a commercial studio (Thank you Tom Connor "Traco" and the help of Arthur Murray Dance Business methods).
Thus the initial curriculums were born. At the time of the printing of the Infinite Insight Series ('82) .... the curriculum at that time
(since about '79), was the reasonably new 24 technique system. The 24 technique system wasn't initially widely accepted completely at that time by many that had become used to the 32 system and old timers that had even older arrangements. But as the studios reported back to Mr. Parker with the results of the new arrangement it became more accepted.
However, many studio owners still found the large number of techniques somewhat difficult to "compete" in the market with TKD studios (which teach few techniques and have rapid advancement). Thus, Brian Duffy of Austin Texas decided to take on the task of "expanding" the 24 technique system to 5th Black vs. 3rd. Mr. Parker was very receptive to the project. And after several "tweakings" Mr. Parker gave the go ahead to several instructors to use the curriculum particularly since this new arrangement did not drop "anything" only increased the length of the system 2 belt levels, in fact, it organized a bit better the order of techniques taught.
Unfortunately, Mr. Parker then passed on before what I believe would have been the newest rearrangement of the system. If he didn't approve of it, he wouldn't have allowed the use at that time, fact is he understood the need and liked the new order.
It still must be noted that, even though Mr. Parker changed the system at times...... as long as you taught the system regardless of what arrangement be it 32, 24 or 16 he accepted all. His main interest was in the outcome and execution of principles, concepts, and theories that he had developed NOT specifically which road you took to get there.