What I find interesting is the complete lack of concern about "stolen elections". Seems like that was a big worry a few weeks ago, what with those new-fangled polling machines, but I guess all those fears must have dissipated somehow. There's no mention of it anywhere. How on earth did they manage to reassure so many people in so little time. It's amazing.
One story on this subject I have seen, and will continue to watch, is the 13th District in Florida. This is the US House of Representatives Seat left open in this election by Representative Harris' decision to seek the Senate seat.
Sarasota uses many electronic voting machines. The House race is showing more than 18,000 undervotes for teh House race. That is, more than 18,000 voters voted for one of the Senate Candidates, but did not vote for the House candidate. This number of undervotes qualifies for more than 12% of the voters. Some districts show as much as a 22% undervote.
Sarasota Undervote.
Incidently, the current standings in that election are that the Republican Candidate (in a heavily Republican district) is winning the election by approximately 380 votes.