2006 Election results

What I find interesting is the complete lack of concern about "stolen elections". Seems like that was a big worry a few weeks ago, what with those new-fangled polling machines, but I guess all those fears must have dissipated somehow. There's no mention of it anywhere. How on earth did they manage to reassure so many people in so little time. It's amazing.

One story on this subject I have seen, and will continue to watch, is the 13th District in Florida. This is the US House of Representatives Seat left open in this election by Representative Harris' decision to seek the Senate seat.

Sarasota uses many electronic voting machines. The House race is showing more than 18,000 undervotes for teh House race. That is, more than 18,000 voters voted for one of the Senate Candidates, but did not vote for the House candidate. This number of undervotes qualifies for more than 12% of the voters. Some districts show as much as a 22% undervote.



Sarasota Undervote.

Incidently, the current standings in that election are that the Republican Candidate (in a heavily Republican district) is winning the election by approximately 380 votes.
Thanks for the explaination! I think on the whole over here we are pleased with your election results because of Iraq. We're obviously in this together and I think we all feel that things can't go on as they are. Our government is under pressure now from both the electorate and the military so please God we can see some light at the end of the tunnel.
What I find interesting is the complete lack of concern about "stolen elections". Seems like that was a big worry a few weeks ago, what with those new-fangled polling machines, but I guess all those fears must have dissipated somehow. There's no mention of it anywhere. How on earth did they manage to reassure so many people in so little time. It's amazing.

The Florida 13th House Seat has officially been contested today. A period of time was required to pass before the election could be certified. Once certified, the challenge could be issued.


Watching this closely, for the sake of our nation.

Clear Evidence 2006 Congressional Elections Hacked

By Rob Kall
OpEd News

Friday 17 November 2006
Results skewed nationwide in favor of Republicans by 4 percent, 3 million votes.
A major undercount of Democratic votes and an overcount of Republican votes in US House and Senate races across the country is indicated by an analysis of national exit polling data, by the Election Defense Alliance (EDA), a national election integrity organization.

These findings have led EDA to issue an urgent call for further investigation into the 2006 election results and a moratorium on deployment of all electronic election equipment.

"We see evidence of pervasive fraud, but apparently calibrated to political conditions existing before recent developments shifted the political landscape," said attorney Jonathan Simon, co-founder of Election Defense Alliance, "so 'the fix' turned out not to be sufficient for the actual circumstances." Explained Simon, "When you set out to rig an election, you want to do just enough to win. The greater the shift from expectations, (from exit polling, pre-election polling, demographics) the greater the risk of exposure - of provoking investigation. What was plenty to win on October 1 fell short on November 7.

"The findings raise urgent questions about the electoral machinery and vote counting systems used in the United States," according to Sally Castleman, National Chair of EDA. "This is nothing less than a national indictment of the vote counting process in the United States!"
"The numbers tell us there absolutely was hacking going on, just not enough to overcome the size of the actual turnout. The tide turned so much in the last few weeks before the election. It looks for all the world that they'd already figured out the percentage they needed to rig, when the programming of the vote rigging software was distributed weeks before the election, and it wasn't enough," Castleman commented.
The Florida 13th House Seat has officially been contested today. A period of time was required to pass before the election could be certified. Once certified, the challenge could be issued.


Watching this closely, for the sake of our nation.

And to further make Michael's point, there was an election that had not even finished counting all the absentee ballots and it was delayed to begin until after the U of Mich and OSU game last Saturday. So there could be another one in contention once an official result is annouced and certified.
What I find interesting is the complete lack of concern about "stolen elections". Seems like that was a big worry a few weeks ago, what with those new-fangled polling machines, but I guess all those fears must have dissipated somehow. There's no mention of it anywhere. How on earth did they manage to reassure so many people in so little time. It's amazing.

The 13th District of Florida continues to present unusual questions. There has been some speculation that because the balance of power is not in question, this disputed election is off the radar screens.

This article indicates numerous questions of elections.


Tens of thousands of voters in more than 25 states encountered serious problems at the polls, including failures in sophisticated voting machines and confusion over identification rules, according to interviews with election experts and officials.

In Colorado, as many as 20,000 people gave up trying to vote, officials say, as online systems for verifying voter registrations crashed repeatedly. And in Arkansas, officials tallied votes three times in one county, and each time the number of ballots cast changed by more than 30,000.

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