Hey Tez!
Your elections have been followed over here with a great deal of interest, mostly because of Iraq. We know about the Democrats and the Republicans but do you have any other parties?
Technically there are other parties but none have made any substantial headway. Perhaps the best known Independent is Senator Joe Lieberman from Connecticut (Al Gore's running mate in his bid for the presidency in 2000). Sen. Lieberman was a Democrat for all of his career. However, he he was challenged for his party nomination in the primary election, and another Democrat beat him. He ran to be re-elected as an Independent, and won. This is a very rare example.
If it were possible, I'd like to see the party system done away with, personally.
However, the party system plays a deep role in which person does what duty in Congress, it would be impossibly to simply do away with without changing the very backbone of our country's government.
Also is there a cap on how much a candidate can spend on their campaign?
There is a cap as to how much a candidate can spend, but there are also special interest groups that are permitted to funnel money towards a party. Naturally, the party can then funnel money to the candidate. To say this is a point of controversy would be an understatement.
Another twist to the story...any money that is left in a candidates individual war chest after the campaign is over, can be kept by that candidate.
My senator, Sen. John Kerry, challenged President Bush during the last presidential elections in 2004. Sen. Kerry lost the election. But...of the US $75 Million war chest that each candidate began with, Sen. Kerry had US $15 Million left over! He did NOT commit his entire warchest to his campaign, he did NOT do everything he possibly could to defeat President Bush, and as a result, he took a $15 Million payday!!!
That to me is wrong on SO many levels!!
Some of the candidates are reported as spending millions of dollars, is that acceptable to voters or is it felt that only rich people can run for office?
I can't speak for everyone, but I think its largely felt that only rich people can run for office. One not only has to have the money but to also be able to put up with having one's personal life scoured for any notion of scandal or salaciousness that might make for a profitable news story.
There is definitely a feeling among many people of hopelessness and loss of control. There is also some optimism.
However, the political system in our country has been something that is has been in flux, ever since that day in 1776.

Whatever the situation is like now...is not something that will stay. It will change, and the change will bring benefits and drawbacks. Fingers crossed for the outcome.