1st Open Black Belt World Championship


I saw an advertisement in the March 2007 issue of Black Belt for the '1st Open Black Belt World Championship 2007' in August.

More information at http://www.wingchunescrima.com/

According to the ad there will be point fighting, empty hand and weapon forms from various styles, TKD - WTF style fighting, open push hand competitions, and a Wing Chun chi Sao competition.

I'm thinking of going as a spectator just to check it out, and maybe turn it into a family get-away. One thing that may hold me back is that it is the 1st, so I'm not sure how well it will turn out.

I am curious if anyone here is going or thinking about going, either as a spectator or as a competitor. If very many people decide to go, maybe we can do some sort of MT get-together or something?
My lovely wife asked me yesterday if we were going to this, but the lack of response to this thread has me very leary of going. Either that, or back in February mid-August was just to far out for such plans.

Anyone here familiar with this organization? Does it appear to be worthwhile?
Crushing nobody that I know has heard of this tournament. sorry I could not be any help

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