Jonathan Randall said:
I agree with you entirely and it is a point of great frustration to me that school administrators, while recognizing their own personal rights to self-defence, ignore the rights of students who are the victims of UPROVOKED aggression. Good thread.
Lest others think that my scenario of the "unprovoked assault" is contrived; I assure you I lived it during the majority of my high school and junior high school years. It sucks, and I lost all respect for persons in authority who took the path of least resistance and held all responsible for any incident regardless of culpability.
Great thread! You ask great questions.
I've been through the same kind of thing. here's the whole senario:
Mrs. Matney (vice principal): Why do think Rodney stole you sun glasses? He's a good kid he wouldn't do that!!
Me: Because he's stolen form me before...
Mrs. Matney: But that doesn't matter, the past has no affect on the present.
Me: If you would let me finish. He is also the only the person I have in both second and ninth hour. If he doesn't want me to call him a theif then he should explain that!!!
Mrs. Matney: Well, Rodney can you?
Rodney: *shruggs and shakes head* No. But he kicked my freind in the stomach last month.
Mrs. Matney: Rodney, why don'e you get back to class. I need to have a private talk with Mr. Robst (my last name) about the ethics of unprovoked violence
Rodney: *smiles widely, throws me a dirty look and leaves*
Mrs. Matney: well
Me: He forgot a part.
Mrs Matney: Sure, right *sarcasim*
Me: His frind grabbed my -Blank-. Then I turned around and kick as hard as I could to get him to back off. Then him and a dozen of his freinds started to circle me while THREATING TO
Mrs. Matney: Why didn't you report it?
Me: Because you're not going to do anything, no matter what.
Long story short, she insults me, tells me to fill out an incedent report, and promises to get the guy in trouble. This was about in September. Now school is out, and I was proven right. She also threated to expel me for defending the inocence of my left butt cheek.
And all the counclers, administartors, and teachers wonder why I don't trust them. after that and dozen OTHER times they tried to expel me for either defendeing myself, nerely needing to, or haveing someone threating to kill me in front of a teacher that does nothing, or the year long mental torcher they made me endure at the expelled school last year i should really trust them all, shouldn't I