Your students or not?

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Ok...So I spoke with my wife about the terms 'sa-hyung' & 'sa-jae'. As she explained it, these are terms used to address someone you feel a kin-ship with but not actually a blood relative. She mentioned that they are older terms that are not used as much as Hyung/Hyungnim or Dongsaeng. Older generations may use it more than the younger generation.

So mystery solved and I didn't even have to look at the kanji...darn...I mean hanja. ;)

This section is getting to be just as bad as the study. There're at least 2 people here who seem to have issues with each other. Instead of taking shots back and forth, please use the ignore button.

Lets return to some civil discussion please.
Well I guess I never told him my deep dark secret about learning Japanese prior to learning Korean and hence the reason why I automatically just think Kanji instead of Hanja when referring to Chinese characters. I rarely discuss Hanja with my wife much less other people.

That's odd. I thought you'd mentioned it on MT before. Perhaps I'm thinking of someone else.

When Glenn and I have talked the topics revolve around TKD, Korean history, TKD books, "war" stories, different martial arts. Can't say Korean language has ever been a topic that has come up very often. Oh wait, he did ask if I could speak Korean fluently which I replied not fluently.


Wow...he must really be under your skin today.

Why would you say that you think Glenn is really under my skin since I just said, "Obviously anything Glenn says can only be taken as being the most courteous possible behavior on his part." You yourself said it was Glenn only comes off as abrasive because of people's "predispostion about him and as such already think he is trying to be abrasive." I totally agree with you: It's not Glenn. It's always the other guy.

So I have to ask, when you go to bed tonight will you still be this passive aggressive? Or will you just finally let it go that Glenn was correcting both of us and chalk it up to Oh...ok. hanja not kanji.?

It's passive aggressive to ask questions about someone's behavior? Interesting.

I don't need Glenn to correct me since I know the terms. I just find it odd that he'd skip over directly helping a friend like you and reply to my post. Odd, that.


I don't need Glenn to correct me since I know the terms. I just find it odd that he'd skip over directly helping a friend like you and reply to my post. Odd, that.


Seriously, cut yourself down from the cross you are nailing yourself to, use the wood to build a bridge and get over it.

I see through your point that you feel Glenn does not correct friends, but the problem is that Glenn has corrected me before and we have been several heated debates in the past. He already told you that it was just a general statement not even aimed at anyone. To boot I already clarified your point that it is a real statement used by real Koreans...older generation mind you which is why I personally have not heard of it, nor has many others who have learned Korean in past decade.

There is an old Buddhist story about a two monks crossing a river. You should look it up and absorb it because it really does apply to you right now.
Admin Note

Apparently some people can't read. Instead of returning to the OP, people still find it necessary to air their dislike for certain members. If people can't follow the rules that're in place, they'll soon find themselves gone.

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