Master Black Belt
I agree with Iceman here.
Now, if I had to choose between my wife (or for the sake of argument, my 'possibly one day future wife') and my school I'd be looking for another school, simple as that. I don't see how the school attains a position of determining who you can and can't see outside of the dojang. Does that rule assume the instructors aren't capable of leaving their personal feelings outside the dojang? Would you unfairly score a sparring match, or unfairly vote to promote because of an emotional attachment? I just think that rule is a bit presumptuous. Maybe it is designed to shield students from possibly predatory isntructors? "Date me or stay at 5th kyu forever BWAAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" I guess I can see that one...still, I don't think it's a fair stance for a school to take.
Hey Jim, thanks for the response. As far as the "rule" goes, it is really just my instrutors preference and so far it has always been followed. It would be great if people could check their feelings at the door, but new black belt instructors will find that if they continue to go out after class pretty soon their color belt "friends" are not listening to their instrutions in class or are talking back in a "just teasing!" way. It seems to just make things easier if there is a bit of seperation. In my experience this is a valid reason to keep things "friendly" but not "friends" and especially because I am on the pay role I think it is important.
Now if a black belt really did start dating a color belt, my instrutor would not forbid it, but probably just sigh and shake his head and then (more than likely) wait for them to break-up and (more than likely) one of them quit. so is life!