Your Political Views - a test

Your political compass
Economic Left/Right: -6.88
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -2.15

Not what I expected, much further left that I thought. That doesn't bother me, but yeah, interesting. I wonder what score I'd get if i took it again in a week.

Clearly most of the people that post here in the study fairly regularly are in the libertarian left quadrant. Why is that? Is there something about Martial Artists that attracts predominantly left (and down) leaning personalities? Or maybe we have a random anomaly. Praps the lefties/downies are just quicker to moan!

That site also had a handy link for me showing where UK political parties are roughly. I'm all on my own. Meh. Lib Dems it is then.
Ender said:
Products and services that reach consumers at efficient prices (not leading to waste or harm) would serve BOTH humanity and corporations.

Again, you prove my point that the test is valid. You posted both positions!

"Products and services that reach consumers at efficient prices" This statement is clearly in favor of the globalized corporations.

"(not leading to waste or harm)" This statement is why you are a liberal. This qualifying statement that you demand is not happening as of this moment and this is a core belief of "liberalism"

Perhaps you need to rethink your beliefs instead of complaining that the test showed you something you didn't think you were. Your comments and many others, I feel, have been indicitive of the phenomenon on the right where people really don't understand the issues they vote for. You can break down the questions and the responses like this for every single question.

In my opinion, this test is showing that people who ARE more middle of the road or liberal/leaning are being railroaded on an ultra conservative agenda they don't believe in because they don't understand what the pundits are really saying.

There is no better knowledge then to truly know yourself.

Ender said:
Well actually in comparison, one could argue that GOVERNMENTS creat more havoc that any business or individual can. Governments are responsible for starting and fighting wars, using nuclear weapons, human rights abuses, creating famines thru territorial strifes, power struggles, terrorism, genocide, and on and on. Business really doesn't have nearly the power that government has. So, I am in favor of less government. Government has a far far worse track record that business any day of the week.
So you position is that individuals should not be able to bring a discrimination lawsuit against a corporation for discrimination, destruction of the environment, and any other injustice?

If this is so, what is to keep the corporations from 'behaving badly'?

Ender said:
Well I would say corporations can reflect society as a whole.
Is not the government of the United States supposed to be reflective of the society as a whole, as well?

Do you think the United States is not representative form of government?
Rich Parsons said:
Hmmm The discrepency? There is none in my book. Why you might ask?

I vote per person and per what I want to make a point on. Many times I cannot find the perfect candidate and Compromise.

My Views. I support the U.S. Constitution. I also support Research and Design into technology, as this is how our overall standard of living is raised. Just look at all of the technology that is either directly or first generation indirectly from the space programs. All modern form of Coummincations, the PC and computer ships were designed for space and calculations for the ships and research. Only Microwave Ovens is not directly from the space research, as this was from WWII and beyond and a direct result of Military research.

Yet, when the Republicans that are now making all the issues around God, and their Religious value or morals. I find it hard to support them. To me this is not the issue, and is not the way to support the U.S. Constitution, in my humble opinion.

Now, when asked about individuals, or the environment, I also support these types of control. I voted for social security versus charity. Why? Charity would not help people and would miss people. I also voted for regulations to control environmental controls of large companies? Why? Because without it they would only go for profit, and not care about people or environment.

So, in my support if research, now most people aho make less than $25,000 a year have a cell phone and also cable and VCR or DVD and ..., and the list goes on. Their standard of living has improved versus, their parents or previous generations. Yet, has this resolved the issue of saving money? No they still spend it all on credit and bankruptcy. What about the increased life expentency due to technology? What do we about retirement?

With the increased regulations and increased write of credit, the companies increase the price of their products to pay their employees and also to make money for the Stock owners. This causes inflation, and is the down side to this. Yet if controlled, the economy grows with trade and the standard of living increases, and people prosper. I find this way easier to fund then to create programs that require funding without long term funding gaurenteed. If it locked in or cannot change then I approve. Once again my opinion.

Yet, in the end, one could point to this and say see the survey is flawed as it did not reflect how I have voted or might vote ;)



From your post, I would say that the survey pegged you pretty accurately. Although, I don't know very much about you so this judgement is very tenuous at best. What I would say is that the way you vote is based off of a misunderstanding of liberalism. Conservatives are very good at characterizing up as pinkos and marxists and the only reason it sticks is because people don't have the patience to look through the rhetoric.


PS - With all due respect, I think you sound more democratic then republican.
Tgace said:
Ender just gave an example of what I would call a "liberal trick question".

There are no trick questions. Only tricked minds. Check the reply. If you agree with the question that ender posted, then you are a liberal for that question. If it looks like a duck and walks like a duck, don't be afraid to call it a duck.
Andi said:
Your political compass
Economic Left/Right: -6.88
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -2.15

Not what I expected, much further left that I thought. That doesn't bother me, but yeah, interesting. I wonder what score I'd get if i took it again in a week.

Clearly most of the people that post here in the study fairly regularly are in the libertarian left quadrant. Why is that? Is there something about Martial Artists that attracts predominantly left (and down) leaning personalities? Or maybe we have a random anomaly. Praps the lefties/downies are just quicker to moan!

That site also had a handy link for me showing where UK political parties are roughly. I'm all on my own. Meh. Lib Dems it is then.

I'm firmly convinced that there are a lot of people in that quadrant who don't realize it or have no idea just how many others like them are out there. There are very few media sources willing to embrace this mass of people because it would put them in direct conflict with their corporate bosses.
upnorthkyosa said:

From your post, I would say that the survey pegged you pretty accurately. Although, I don't know very much about you so this judgement is very tenuous at best. What I would say is that the way you vote is based off of a misunderstanding of liberalism. Conservatives are very good at characterizing up as pinkos and marxists and the only reason it sticks is because people don't have the patience to look through the rhetoric.


PS - With all due respect, I think you sound more democratic then republican.
I prefer independant and I am not register with either party. And, all I ask is for you ( the party in question) to explain your plan to me. How will it be funded, and so forth. I try not to vote on emotional issues, yet, with people making it about God and or religion, I try to vote that way. When a person condemns me for my beliefs, or insults me, I vote the other way.

As to Democratic and Republic. We have a republic today and I think it works.
To have everyone vote on every issues is a little much for a democracy.
upnorthkyosa said:

From your post, I would say that the survey pegged you pretty accurately. Although, I don't know very much about you so this judgement is very tenuous at best. What I would say is that the way you vote is based off of a misunderstanding of liberalism. Conservatives are very good at characterizing up as pinkos and marxists and the only reason it sticks is because people don't have the patience to look through the rhetoric.


PS - With all due respect, I think you sound more democratic then republican.
I still contend that that is exactly the reason behind the design of this test. I would bet that, worded differently, a test could be designed that made you realize you were more conservative than you first believed.
Tgace said:
I still contend that that is exactly the reason behind the design of this test. I would bet that, worded differently, a test could be designed that made you realize you were more conservative than you first believed.

Formulate a possible question for the test and we'll analyze the difference. I think an opinion is an opinion so unless you are counting the votes incorrectly, which is possible, its not going to change.
I question any scientist, soft or hard discipline, who makes statements like the author of this test does concerning having absolutely no agenda or slant to the test. A true scientist, especially a human study specialist would openly acknowledge the possibility that there could be a slant, even if he/they weren't conscious of it - just like in hard science they acknowledge that they are only measuring something accurately to the nth degree of measurement, or that there is a plus/minus factor of such and such. I think there are scientists out there who, like religious people, confuse their role as measurers and observers of reality with the role of makers/definers of reality.

I am not saying that it is WAY out there, but it is, by nature of the background of the authors, the unconcious bias of the authors, the denial of any inaccuracies or biases is skewed.

What 'master martial artist' would ever be taken seriously if he said that he had the ultimate technique or the absolutely unbeatable defense. MArtists are, to a degree scientists of physics/psychology/ergonomics... and can't make such a claim, why should I take, on face value these claims. I respect the work, but I recognize the 'plus/minus' of it as well.
loki09789 said:
I question any scientist, soft or hard discipline, who makes statements like the author of this test does concerning having absolutely no agenda or slant to the test. A true scientist, especially a human study specialist would openly acknowledge the possibility that there could be a slant, even if he/they weren't conscious of it - just like in hard science they acknowledge that they are only measuring something accurately to the nth degree of measurement, or that there is a plus/minus factor of such and such. I think there are scientists out there who, like religious people, confuse their role as measurers and observers of reality with the role of makers/definers of reality.
Loki 09789, are you making this statement about the first web-site, or the second?

Political Compass states that its purpose to help broaded the definitions of political point of veiw to something more than just 'Left-Right'.


Politics.Beast states that its purpose is to correct the errors in Political Compass.

Certainly, all those who create measurements create then in their own point of view. But scientists try to minimize the degree to which their influence affects the survey.

I find it interesting that 'Political Compass' states they do not retain any of the information entered after the result is displayed, but 'Politics.Beast' apparently does (they state on the first page, they have over 350 results). Does that mean anything?

Economic Left/Right: -4.75
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -4.26

Well, well

I found it difficult to understand the questions. Not the words, but what the meaning was.

I could have been fun , and much more easy if this was made as a poll. Then we could see were the majority of the answers were.

michaeledward said:
Loki 09789, are you making this statement about the first web-site, or the second?

Political Compass states that its purpose to help broaded the definitions of political point of veiw to something more than just 'Left-Right'.


Politics.Beast states that its purpose is to correct the errors in Political Compass.

Certainly, all those who create measurements create then in their own point of view. But scientists try to minimize the degree to which their influence affects the survey.

I find it interesting that 'Political Compass' states they do not retain any of the information entered after the result is displayed, but 'Politics.Beast' apparently does (they state on the first page, they have over 350 results). Does that mean anything?



I am commenting on the original compass test. The other stuff is responses/reactions. I am sure that there are tons of sites that love and are all about defending the compass test its validity. I don't know if the beast ref. is really about retaining the info or just the number of results the members have posted on the beast forum. Valid, entertaining or bogus, it does get some conversations started which, as long as it is mature, is healthy.
I think people find it very hard to be a complete right winger. It takes a complete denial of a large part of an individual's humanity. We all have the urge to cooperate with one another and we all have the urge to fear difference. I don't think there is a way to deny one or the other totally.
I took the test with the following strong assumptions on my part...

1. The ten commandments and the bible are the direct word of the only True God.
2. I am a superior person (of a superior race) when compared to most people.
3. The only people I should ever care about is myself and my immediate family.
4. The patricians are more important then the plebians.

I scored

Economic L/R 6.0
Social L/A 5.6

I just about landed on our president. Interesting. Guess I know my enemy...;)


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