Your Political Views - a test


Gonzo Karate Apocalypse
MT Mentor
Oct 30, 2003
Reaction score
Hi Guys;

I was just wondering how you guys would rate if you took this political test. It is very interesting and I think that it will lead to some very interesting discussion. Please take the test and answer the questions seriously. Post your scores and write what you think?

My scores were...

On the economic axis Left vs Right -4.38 (pretty far left)
On the social axis Libertarian vs Authoritarian -7.23 (very libertarian)

I am pretty much a socially conscious anarchist.

There are very few candidates that match my beliefs. Jesse Ventura was rather close. So is Dennis Kucinich. What I think is interesting is the fact that most world leaders and just about all of our political candidates are very right of center and very authoritarian. In my opinion this is a slap in the face of freedom.

There is a dissonence between what people believe and who they vote for and I think this reflects a defect in our political system.

Your political compass
Economic Left/Right: -3.88
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -2.00

Hmmm... I am not supprised that I am that close to the middle of the road.

Ive always said that neither side can be trusted... hehe
upnorthkyosa said:
Hi Guys;

I was just wondering how you guys would rate if you took this political test. It is very interesting and I think that it will lead to some very interesting discussion. Please take the test and answer the questions seriously. Post your scores and write what you think?

My scores were...

On the economic axis Left vs Right -4.38 (pretty far left)
On the social axis Libertarian vs Authoritarian -7.23 (very libertarian)

I am pretty much a socially conscious anarchist.

There are very few candidates that match my beliefs. Jesse Ventura was rather close. So is Dennis Kucinich. What I think is interesting is the fact that most world leaders and just about all of our political candidates are very right of center and very authoritarian. In my opinion this is a slap in the face of freedom.

There is a dissonence between what people believe and who they vote for and I think this reflects a defect in our political system.

I'm just to the right of Ghandi. I kept wanting to qualify my answers.
Surprise Surprise -- NOT!

- 5.50 * Left/Right
- 5.95 * Libertarian/Authoritarian

What was nice, is that my graph lined up kinda in the same place as the Dali Lama and Ghandi. Nice company to keep, I think.

I started taking that test but IMHO, most of the questions seemed to be of the "when did you stop beating your wife?" flavor.
Tgace said:
I started taking that test but IMHO, most of the questions seemed to be of the "when did you stop beating your wife?" flavor.

I would recommend retaking the test. There is a lot of research behind the design. Check out the reading list. Questions that seem loaded to you in one way, are questions you would answer as "strongly agree". Other people would honestly answer those questions differently. WOW, we all don't share the same opinion!!!!! A good example is the difference between what Michael Moore and Ayn Rand would think. Imagine those two with the gloves off...

"The idea was developed by a political journalist with a university counselling background, assisted by a professor of social history. They're indebted to people like Wilhelm Reich and Theodor Adorno for their ground-breaking work in this field. We believe that, in an age of diminishing ideology, a new generation in particular will get a better idea of where they stand politically - and the sort of political company they keep. "

Not intending to be a pessimist, but what side do you think these guys fall out on? If they think that their own political leanings had NO role in the development of this test, I think they are fooling themselves.
Tgace said:
...We believe that, in an age of diminishing ideology, a new generation in particular will get a better idea of where they stand politically - and the sort of political company they keep.

Not intending to be a pessimist, but what side do you think these guys fall out on? If they think that their own political leanings had NO role in the development of this test, I think they are fooling themselves.
Certainly, these questions revolve around a 'soft science'. And certainly, they do bring their own opinions to the table. But what does not mean there is no validity to the quiz.
Seems to me that they are measure fuzzy subjects with specific questions. No doubt, 60 or 70 questions across a web-site, is not going to change anyone's life in a dramatic way. For the 15 minutes you invest, you get a bit of reassurance about your beliefs.

Do you view the questions as a waste of time because they are measure the 'left/right/up/down' thing, or because people such as these professors could not possibly assemble a series of questions that might shine a light in all directions?
michaeledward said:
Certainly, these questions revolve around a 'soft science'. And certainly, they do bring their own opinions to the table. But what does not mean there is no validity to the quiz.
Seems to me that they are measure fuzzy subjects with specific questions. No doubt, 60 or 70 questions across a web-site, is not going to change anyone's life in a dramatic way. For the 15 minutes you invest, you get a bit of reassurance about your beliefs.

Do you view the questions as a waste of time because they are measure the 'left/right/up/down' thing, or because people such as these professors could not possibly assemble a series of questions that might shine a light in all directions?
Im sort of a modified Mark Twain..."theres lies, damn lies and internet political,personality,IQ etc. quizes."
the questions are too polarizing...the test is bogus.
Ender said:
the questions are too polarizing...the test is bogus.
In the 'FAQ' [Frequently Asked Questions] area, the authors respond to this comment.

Some of the questions are slanted
Most of them are slanted ! Some right-wingers accuse us of a leftward slant. Some left-wingers accuse us of a rightward slant. But it's important to realise that this isn't a survey, and these aren't questions. They're propositions - an altogether different proposition. To question the logic of individual ones that irritate you is to miss the point. Some propositions are extreme, and some are more moderate. That's how we can show you whether you lean towards extremism or moderation on the Compass.
Some of the propositions are intentionally vague. Their purpose is to trigger buzzwords in the mind of the user, measuring feelings and prejudices rather than detailed opinions on policy.

Incidentally, our test is not another internet personality classification tool. The essence of our site is the model for political analysis. The test is simply a demonstration of it.
This is my score:

Economic Left/Right: -4.75
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -4.46

Not terribly surprising, although I'm a little skeptical about being placed in similar territory with Ghandi and the Dalai Lama. Of course, the test can't determine character traits, activism, and passion about causes, so maybe it isn't that far off. I may have similar opinions, but I certainly don't have their abilities.
Ender said:
the questions are too polarizing...the test is bogus.

The test is not Bogus. YOU have EXTREME views. YOU are POLARIZED. So many people believe they are middle of the road, but end up finding that they are not with this test. It can be very disappointing. This is self learning though and sometimes the information you find is information you do not want to hear.

Take the test and post your results. Then talk.
Economic left / right : -3.88
Social Libertarian / Authoritarian : -2.31

It's good to be comparabley close to Gandhi, Nelson Mandela and the Dalai Lama.

I know when I take these tests that I am fairly moderate, but I have certain subjects on which I am very polar on, and they are usually very unusual compared to the rest of my leanings. Interesting! I figured I would be a Right wing libertarian. It was especially interesting to see where they placed the Pres. candidates.
This is entertaining, but it is no different than the career development day tests that we took in High School:

Your answers most closely match.... Charles Manson! You have a career in cults!

If they could reasonably interview all the people who they are placing on this graph, like Ghandi, and then compare answers I might see more validity in it. The way it runs, it is still subjective people trying to be objective, interpreting other peoples work and placing them on this graph and then comparing your position based on an interview that these other icons weren't part of... skewed. Entertaining, but skewed.
loki09789 said:
This is entertaining, but it is no different than the career development day tests that we took in High School:

Your answers most closely match.... Charles Manson! You have a career in cults!

If they could reasonably interview all the people who they are placing on this graph, like Ghandi, and then compare answers I might see more validity in it. The way it runs, it is still subjective people trying to be objective, interpreting other peoples work and placing them on this graph and then comparing your position based on an interview that these other icons weren't part of... skewed. Entertaining, but skewed.

I don't think that there is any icon worship going on though. Look at the page dealing with icons. It is designed to show that even the people we see as the epitome of one group often behaved opposite of what everyone would expect. Obviously there is some subjectivity to the test, because there is no hard definition of what is Right or Left or Authoritarian or Libertarian and even when we find definition that seems to suit there are many discrepincies.
OULobo said:
I don't think that there is any icon worship going on though. Look at the page dealing with icons. It is designed to show that even the people we see as the epitome of one group often behaved opposite of what everyone would expect. Obviously there is some subjectivity to the test, because there is no hard definition of what is Right or Left or Authoritarian or Libertarian and even when we find definition that seems to suit there are many discrepincies.

But for the sake of their questionare they are defining the terms. It is good that they don't try and pedistal these "icons" though.
Well I'm in good company smack dab between Nelson Mandela and the Dali Lama.
Your political compass
Economic Left/Right: -5.50
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -1.85

Also down by Ghandi... Not bad, but I'm by no means a pacifist either... :asian:
Interesting wording ;)

Economic Left/Right: -3.62
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -2.62

Right near Nelson Mendela