I wouldn't need a tax, the Casino's and whorehouses that are run by the corporate state would have to pay for everything... if they didn't they wouldn't be able to function, and if they didn't function, there would be no profit, and without profit, there would be no need for my country.
I'm torn on state run industries. I think I'd pick some different ones if I were to choose LOL. If the government can control one industry and tax nothing else, there might be merits. It would need to be something everyone uses, such as gasoline, electricity, water, etc..
seriously though, I'd probably go for a consumption tax. That way, you make more and spend more, you pay more in tax. Spend a little, tax a little. Slap a 20% tax on top of everything. I've seen some studies that eliminating all taxes except for a 20% consumption tax and prices either stay stable or go down (no sales tax, coorperate taxes gone, everything gone, resulting in cheaper prices for production).
I'd consider some exceptions for the consumption tax, based on income and deductions. Paying for school or giving to charity? You get a certain percentage off. Low income? You get a bit off. This would require some kind of national ID card, so when you purchase things you can automatically apply the appropriate tax. That way you could monitor things too (someone with only 10k in income and spending 20k a year in purchases would raise flags). No income tax things to file and coorperations have it easy too

I'd also set a lower limit. You can't get products with no taxes. Maybe make the max 20% and the min 10%. That way everyone is helping out.
I'd also give people some control in how things are spent. You have some minimum background for critical things (police, possibly infrastructure, salary for a few employees, etc), but I'd allow personal control for the rest of it. Just for a number, lets say 50% of it is in your control. Go to your public library, swipe your ID card on a computer and modify where you want your money distributed. Want 20% to go to military? 10% to public schools? 5% to infrastructure? You can do it! Alot more democracy, and you have power to effectively eliminate programs/expenditures you don't like. Get enough support and you can totally eradicate stuff. I'd make a history of expenditures available, so people know about how much is needed for things. I'd also consider making people pass a minimal civics test in order to redirect their taxes, otherwise the government spends it as they see fit.
yeah, I've thought about it a bit

I'd love to have control of how my taxes are spent.