Supreme Court To Decide Whether Or Not You Own What You Own

From the Statist perspective, banning resale makes a lot of sense. This means that everyone will be "incentivized" (aka coerced by the threat of violence) to buy new products and throw away used products. The Statists will believe that this will increase consumption and stimulate the economy.

Of course, one of the hidden costs of this will be the disincentivization of conservation. No longer will it be economically viable to use and reuse and then sell items. It'll only increase the waste stream, increase the rate of resource depletion, and increase the future value of landfills.

Forget gold, my liberty loving friends. By Statist trash for future barter...
Only question I have is this: Were those legitimate copies or bootlegs? If they are legit, then it sucks that royalties were lost, but blame it on the publisher not a smart shopper.
Exactly. By that same reasoning, who are you to tell me who I can loan my property to?
If they were bootleg then throw the book (no pun intended) at the shmuck.

If I buy something, I can resell it. Period.
If I buy a cd, a video tape, a dvd, a bluray, or a photo, I can resell that physical item.
I can even legally burn a copy or 2 of those for my own use while I own the original. (If I sell or otherwise give the original away, I am required to destroy or pass along the archival copies as well).

If you buy a photo print from me, you can sell, give away, eat even that print, and don't owe me a cent more.
You can't scan it, take it to Walgreens and scan it and make 50 copies, or submit it to National Fluffigraphic, unless you have my permission.
But you can sell it.
At a profit even.
and not owe me any more money.

So, in this case, I see only 1 right way. That's to continue to allow us to resell what we obtain legally without additional obligation.

As to lost revenues, add in a restricted edition clause or something to your contracts. There are existing legal means to achieve restricted sales. Like changing the page order for international editions so they don't work for US students.

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