Ok, so why would people want to emigrate?
My own reasons? I used to be very bitter towards the state of the UK. Came back from the 2nd Gulf, and felt embittered. Rightly or wrongly.
Saw an overcrowded, highly taxed (not the regular income tax etc, but all the other taxes that suck), chav culture, celebrity obsessed, crap weathered, run down, poor futured place that I felt imprisoned, and pretty down about.
I've since realised that moving because you fancy the change of lifestyle, to inject a bit of zest is perhaps a more positive step. There are still many fundamental aspects of life in the UK that don't work for me. Things that are unlikely to change regardless of how often I lobby my local MP. I guess, when I feel that regardless of how well I try to raise my little girl, when I see gangs of swearing, spitting, aggressive chav-esque kids all over the place, there's an element of life that's out of my control.
While I'm aware that NZ has it's problems, from personal experience, and that of close relatives of mine over many years, they simply don't encounter the issues that we face here in the UK. So, for me, those are my main reasons for wanting to go.
Jarrod, if you like mate, PM me, and I'll send you the link to my folks B&B that they run in the SI of NZ.