so what's your leave-the-country country?

I can't believe the number of replies for Canada, whenever I am standing in -20 degree weather waiting for the train to get to work, I am usually desperately wishing I lived anyplace where the wind chill doesn't cause my balls to migrate up to my throat.

Well...New Hampshire is practically Canada. I mean, we've got all the cold and the snow and the ice. We just don't have the cool cosmopolitan cities, or the great beer and wine, or the lovely people. But we've got cold. And snow. Oh and did I mention ice? :rolleyes:

(But we do have low taxes and reasonable gun
I'd go North to a place called Upper Peninsula.

Not having studied the politics, but having only passed through and thought the places beautiful; the Azores and Switzerland come to mind for different reasons.
I meant the US mate. Canada is still Britain isn't it, just with funny accents? :D We'd read and heard a few horror stories that Brits weren't welcome in the US.

Not sure many Americans love the Queen, I know I don't. :D

We don't mind Brits, just scousers. Just kidding.

Hey, I've got a personal problem with the UK royals, but the Brits are fine. They took my country, is all. Mattocks->Madoc->Real Prince of Wales.
Ok, so why would people want to emigrate?

My own reasons? I used to be very bitter towards the state of the UK. Came back from the 2nd Gulf, and felt embittered. Rightly or wrongly.

Saw an overcrowded, highly taxed (not the regular income tax etc, but all the other taxes that suck), chav culture, celebrity obsessed, crap weathered, run down, poor futured place that I felt imprisoned, and pretty down about.

I've since realised that moving because you fancy the change of lifestyle, to inject a bit of zest is perhaps a more positive step. There are still many fundamental aspects of life in the UK that don't work for me. Things that are unlikely to change regardless of how often I lobby my local MP. I guess, when I feel that regardless of how well I try to raise my little girl, when I see gangs of swearing, spitting, aggressive chav-esque kids all over the place, there's an element of life that's out of my control.

While I'm aware that NZ has it's problems, from personal experience, and that of close relatives of mine over many years, they simply don't encounter the issues that we face here in the UK. So, for me, those are my main reasons for wanting to go. :)

Jarrod, if you like mate, PM me, and I'll send you the link to my folks B&B that they run in the SI of NZ. ;)
We don't mind Brits, just scousers. Just kidding.

Hey, I've got a personal problem with the UK royals, but the Brits are fine. They took my country, is all. Mattocks->Madoc->Real Prince of Wales.

You and me both mate. Born and bred in England to Irish and Welsh parents (yes, I know, I'm a mongrel). I'm impressed that you know what a scouser is, unless you are a Brit, in which case, I'm not. :D

As for the Royals, pfft! Bloody spongers. Except for you, your Highness. ;)
You and me both mate. Born and bred in England to Irish and Welsh parents (yes, I know, I'm a mongrel). I'm impressed that you know what a scouser is, unless you are a Brit, in which case, I'm not. :D

Born and raised in the cornfield of the middle of the US, as far from an ocean as one can get. It wasn't until my local PBS station started showing Monty Python's Flying Circus at night that I even knew Brits could actually laugh.
Born and raised in the cornfield of the middle of the US, as far from an ocean as one can get. It wasn't until my local PBS station started showing Monty Python's Flying Circus at night that I even knew Brits could actually laugh.

WHAT?!? We invented humour! Has no one told you guys this yet? *shakes head disbelievingly*

MPFC are in a league of their own.
WHAT?!? We invented humour! Has no one told you guys this yet? *shakes head disbelievingly*

Well, given the UK's contribution to the world's fine cuisine (which consists, I believe of 'boiling things'), and their fine automotive electrical system (Lucas, "Lord of Darkness" Lights), one might be forgiven for not knowing of such things as the "Monster Raving Loony" party, which completely erase all other shortcomings Brits may have.
Well, given the UK's contribution to the world's fine cuisine (which consists, I believe of 'boiling things'), and their fine automotive electrical system (Lucas, "Lord of Darkness" Lights), one might be forgiven for not knowing of such things as the "Monster Raving Loony" party, which completely erase all other shortcomings Brits may have.

To be fair we are also partial to a bit of frying!

I love our sense of humour but the US has given the world Lenny Bruce, Bill Hicks and George Carlin!
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Well, given the UK's contribution to the world's fine cuisine (which consists, I believe of 'boiling things'), and their fine automotive electrical system (Lucas, "Lord of Darkness" Lights), one might be forgiven for not knowing of such things as the "Monster Raving Loony" party, which completely erase all other shortcomings Brits may have.

Is there no equivalent of the Monster Raving Loony party in the US? My wife actually voted for them once, although, I'm not sure why.

We do more than just boil food!.. Not MUCH more, but we do. As for shortcomings, we have more than I can list in one post. :D
Well, given the UK's contribution to the world's fine cuisine (which consists, I believe of 'boiling things'), and their fine automotive electrical system (Lucas, "Lord of Darkness" Lights), one might be forgiven for not knowing of such things as the "Monster Raving Loony" party, which completely erase all other shortcomings Brits may have.

...said the man whose forefathers gave us deep-fried pizza and haggis.

Update: Oh, my bad! Welsh, not Scottish, right? Well, uh, er, Tom Jones. *ducks*
Is there no equivalent of the Monster Raving Loony party in the US? My wife actually voted for them once, although, I'm not sure why.

I once voted for the Natural Law Party in some european election! They believed that all of societies ills could be cured through yogic flying! I voted for them because I found the image of them bouncing around the european parliment amusing.....

*Thwump* *Thrwump* *Thrwump*

"wot iz zat noize?"

"ahh it iz juz ze Brits!"
i once voted for the natural law party in some european election! They believed that all of societies ills could be cured through yogic flying! I voted for them because i found the image of them bouncing around the european parliment amusing.....

*thwump* *thrwump* *thrwump*

"wot iz zat noize?"

"ahh it iz juz ze brits!"

:D I well and truly lol'd at that.

Home is where you can get along well. cicero-aristophanes-law for opportunism and then to become an expression of comfort for the exiled.

I'd wouldn't mind moving to japan one day. Other geographic locations i like are southeast asia, australia, greece,

states(west coast) or canada but unfortunately i'm png in na,.
shame, i definately dig hawaii.

I'm going to get a few friends together and take over an island in the Caribbean...:D

Just make sure there's a fair piece of it high above sea level. The Maldives are already looking for a new home, and more than a year ago several formerly-inhabited Pacific islands were lost beneath the waves.
Hagakure, you ask why anyone would leave their home country.

I come from a long line of people who have spent the last two thousand years getting driven out of wherever they happened to be. In particular, they got out ahead of the Cossacks and weren't around decades later when the National Socialists showed up. The relatives who weren't now aren't.

"Maybe," said Tevye "that's why we always wear our hats."

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