cas said:I've been training wado-ryu since 1990?1991?. Haven't trained much during my studies though. I love all the different aspects off the training.
Although I had some judo training when I was very young I've never trained in other m.a. / karate-styles. Wado is the biggest style in the Netherlands. So if you want to train karate it's likely you'll run into wado, o.t.o.h. wado does seem to fit me. Makes me wonder if I would be just as enthousiastic about another style if I would have run into something else.
Hello Casper, hoe gaat het? I study Wado-ryu too, and have some Wado-ryu friends from the Netherlands as well, one of them is Igor Asselbergs who runs www.wadoworld.com
I studied Jujutsu before Wado-ryu, I got instructor's license in Jujutsu long before I got my instructor's license in Wado-ryu. I did some Yoshin-ryu too by the way, and I am pleased to know that Yoshin-ryu's principles such as noru, nagashu, inashu, proper use of taisabaki and the use of soft blocks/parries are still present in Wado-ryu. In fact many paired Kata of Wado-ryu are direct port from Yoshin-ryu, so I have no trouble adjusting. I think Wado-ryu is an evolution of old Jujutsu, enriched with solo Kata and methods from Okinawan Kenpo. It is a wonderful style, combining the best of both worlds. Too bad many modern Wado-ryu dojos has forgotten alot of its Jujutsu and cares too much about sport Karate.
I delved a bit into Goju-ryu as well and liked it tremendously, the Kata's of Goju-ryu is incredible, I even adopt Sanchin, Seienchin, Seishan, Sanseiryu, Kururunfa and Tensho into my personal training regime. Being a Kata guy I love to study Kata's of other style, its very good exercise for the mind and the body.
Well, take care and have fun training!
Your friend from Indonesia,
Ben Haryo