It's been a long time, but still unforgettable. He was a calm, peaceful coach. Never pushy. I had a slightly stiff right ankle that wouldn't bend fully for two months (revealed during forms). How I played sports around that for years beats me. He never pushed. I got it.
We stuck around after class on Osan AB, S. Korea to practice because we were happy and loved it. And we always prevailed over the militaristic sister Tang Soo Do school off base in tourneys. My theory was our extra practice, all because of a having a good teacher.
I almost feel bad in comparison, because it is not my nature to be calm all the time while teaching. We have to be ourselves, of course. We all have at least one hit song in us (capable and awesome in our own way).
Cool I can be. Persistently calm? No chance.
Enthusiastic, serious, thoughtful, still, illuminating, pleasant, laughing, encouraging, respectful, learner - there's the mix when I teach. My teacher, however, was the best because he was the first (while being good)!
I guess the good instructor test is: If in Korea where there was nothing else to do most evenings, would your soldier students stick around and share sparring tips or run off immediately after class? (provided you allowed it)
We stuck around after class on Osan AB, S. Korea to practice because we were happy and loved it. And we always prevailed over the militaristic sister Tang Soo Do school off base in tourneys. My theory was our extra practice, all because of a having a good teacher.
I almost feel bad in comparison, because it is not my nature to be calm all the time while teaching. We have to be ourselves, of course. We all have at least one hit song in us (capable and awesome in our own way).
Cool I can be. Persistently calm? No chance.
Enthusiastic, serious, thoughtful, still, illuminating, pleasant, laughing, encouraging, respectful, learner - there's the mix when I teach. My teacher, however, was the best because he was the first (while being good)!
I guess the good instructor test is: If in Korea where there was nothing else to do most evenings, would your soldier students stick around and share sparring tips or run off immediately after class? (provided you allowed it)