1st dan instructors....


2nd Black Belt
I know of a man who is an instructor who has 30yrs expierience in the martial arts,not just one style, and he only has a 1st dan...3 actually.
He has never taken personal stock in degree's,although he has total respect for those who do...its just not for him.
His knowledge seem quite impressive and his teaching manner seems to be exxellent. You have fun and learn quite a bit! His classes are 2 hours because he breaks things down so much into mechanices,practicality and psycoligically...you couldn't possibley do a class in an hour.
The problem he is now running into is the fact he won't be able to grade his students into BB due to the fact that the organisation he is licensed and insured thru says he has to be at least 2 grades higher.
He is licensed thru WAKO and they said he could grade for his 2nd dan using thier syllabus.....but they don't have a syllabus!
Any ideas or opinions?! He is an exxellent teacher and I would hate to see all that knowldege go to waste due to crappy politics.
He needs to talk with them directly and ask them for direction such as finding an instructor that will test and or train him for 2nd and 3rd dan. He should also ask for a manual or other media for further direction. Otherwise he can only promote to 2nd Brown or similar ranking in his system.
There is much to be said for someone who is willing to empty their cup and begin anew in another style to expand one's knowledge and refreshen their zest. And the way you speak of him might suggest that, due to his time and grade, he has knowledge beyond his rank. Sounds like a good teacher.

One certainly can't cram any ideas down someone's throat and we would all like to see people like this acknowledged for their character and ability in a ranking fashion. Hopefully, he will find a way to grow farther, as first dan is only the beginning in most arts, as I understand it and IMHO.
He maybe able to invite/partner with another instructor to help with the continuation of his student ranks.

I have seen a school host a test, but invite 3 or 4 outside/similar style Masters who trained with the instructor at some point, test his student for him - perhaps this will be an option for him.
Bammx2 said:
The problem he is now running into is the fact he won't be able to grade his students into BB due to the fact that the organisation he is licensed and insured thru says he has to be at least 2 grades higher.
He is licensed thru WAKO and they said he could grade for his 2nd dan using thier syllabus.....but they don't have a syllabus!
Any ideas or opinions?! He is an exxellent teacher and I would hate to see all that knowldege go to waste due to crappy politics.
Rules are rules. Sometimes they dont make sense, and this is one of them. However, how important is a belt? I assume he is the highest ranked instructor in your organisation in the area? Otherwise someone with a higher rank could attend your grading and pass you, no?

If he is the highest ranked instructor in your organisation, why not simply start a splinter organisation on your own? Your 1st dan instructor could then grade you as he sees fit, either giving you whatever belts he feels appropriate, or doing away with belts altogether.

Alternatively (and this might be easier) just get a guest black belt to attend a grading or two and sign off on the certificates.
Surely he could invite others of a higher Dan to do the black belt gradings. I think that´s what is usually done. My current teacher is 1st Dan and I think he´s better than the fourth and second Dan teachers I had before. There are many different levels between individuals and different forms of a MArtial Art.
Im in a simular situation got ranked in 1987 and still considered a shodan in a system that I recently left mainly because it is out of state and got promoted in another system to a high ranking B/B because I was trained by the Head Instructor and he decided what rank he should promote me at.

I am going to back into the area where the system who ranked me shodan is at. I am considering having a talk with the masater of the system and request a private test to recieve my nidan (my instructor and the master of the system) would grade me ILO a complete test.

The only reason is because I would like to be able to promote my students to B/B. I have to be one rank about the rank Im testing the student for.

Its a bit of a sticky wicket no doubt.

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