using ninja?


3rd Black Belt
just wondering if anyone has ever had to use their art/science (i say "their" that anyone can post and not those only worrying about what happened in the 16th century) in a real situation?
now so my question is stated correctly: this can be answered by anyone who proclaims ninjitsu/ninjutsu/ninja as their science/art.
if you have had to use it to defend you and yours tell me about it. i enjoy these types of stories.
I have done the Art of fighting without fighting.

Basically using my head to not get it taken off :)
Ive had to use my ninjutsu before not to the point where i was using it to seriously hurt someone but basically a guy at school kept flicking my ear from behind me i waited to hear the slightest sound i put him in a palm to elbow grapple and asked that he not touch me anymore and well it worked. and also noone else touched me for a i enjoyed talking to you.
I'm with Elizium on this as a preferred method of handling things. :)

In the dojo we often discuss all the fights we manage to not get into. I, my wife, and quite a few of our students, however, have been forced to defend ourselves or others on various occasions. Statistically, though, our and our students' physical involvement in conflicts has most often been to intervene and stop fights, protecting all parties involved (including bystanders) without making any judgments about who's "right" or "wrong". Sometimes it's involved securing things until police arrive, sometimes not.

"Protecting others" situations are things we specifically train for in the dojo. Since I and my wife are both professional "bodyguards" (that's what we do for a living -- teaching is a "side" activity), it seems natural to do that.
The reason I had to use this fighting without fighting is that he claimed that I chased his son down the street with a baseball bat.

Well this large guy drove up an hour later and started mouthing off wanting to take the fight outside. He was there in our house as a guest and making all the noises that he could do. Even threatening my mother which did not go down too well with me.

Basically he looked at me and said lets take it outside, to which my reply was "No thanks I am more safer in here thank you". If he did, he would have to walk past a 5 foot Bo and outside are a few housebricks that would have been handy. He blustered some more and walked off.

Even though he came looking for a fight, he left without raising anything apart from his anger and his voice. I just took all his options away without having to resort to violence. 1-0 to me in the way of budo philosophy.
Elizium said:
Even though he came looking for a fight, he left without raising anything apart from his anger and his voice. I just took all his options away without having to resort to violence. 1-0 to me in the way of budo philosophy.

Good going!

Another nice thing about the way you handled that is that, by making him actually enter your home to attack you if that's what he decided to do, you not only had more of a tactical advantage but also held both the moral and (very important!) the legal "high ground".
Cheers Dale. By saying that I did the right thing on standing my ground makes the memory less annoying. But afterwards I was shaking. Which is usual after something like this. I did not have a good nights sleep mind, but I got over it quickly. All I can say is that Bruce Lee is right in Enter the Dragon.

"Lets fight on that Island" Says Lee pointing to the Island.

Well it worked then in the film and also in reality.

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