You mean it ain't all about BOOT to the head

Xue Sheng

All weight is underside
I was reading a magazine and I came across this article and I wanted to post it before I go.

This is, for the most part, from a book by Larry Koenig Ph.D.

Smart Discipline: Fast, Lasting Solutions for your ChildÂ’s Self-Esteem and Your Peace of Mind

The true power behind Martial Arts like Karate and Kung fu comes not from a roundhouse kick to the solar plexus (however handy) but rather from the philosophies of non-aggression. “They teach respect,” says Koenig. “Research shows that, in so doing, martial arts improves a child’s self-esteem and the way he carries himself – two weaknesses a bully homes in on when selecting a target” In fact, a Florida Atlantic University study of 189 children from ages 7 to 13 found that those with high self-esteem were less likely to get picked on then there less confident peers.
Hell ya I like that. Thats good to hear there are more studies of the benefits of martial arts other than the usual crap we hear so much.

Welcome back btw.
Hello, The true meaning of the martials is to build good charcter,a strong body and mind.

Those who look like victims, act like victims, will become victims. Self-respect and feeling confidence goes long way in looking sure of yourself.

It is not the cure all...but the bad people are always looking for easy prey...Just my thoughts...stay safe....Aloha

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