You Know You're Getting Older When...

Rubix's cube...I NEVER did figure it out..Do you remember the "Instant Insanity" blocks??? Same principal as Rubix's except the blocks were not attached...
I was in high school when the craze hit - with the help of a book, at one point, I could solve a well-greased (with vaseline) cube in under a minute.
WOW...Thst's good..:erg:
If you REALLY want to be stared at as though you were crazy, attempt to explain the whole CB Radio craze to a college or high school student...
If you REALLY want to be stared at as though you were crazy, attempt to explain the whole CB Radio craze to a college or high school student...

10-4 good buddy! Catch you on the flip-flop if you bears leave me alone.

Not just the craze of the actual units but the whole jargon that went with them. The sad part is I remember spending hours trying to catch skip and see where it was coming from. Try explaining that part of it.
10-4 good buddy! Catch you on the flip-flop if you bears leave me alone.

Not just the craze of the actual units but the whole jargon that went with them. The sad part is I remember spending hours trying to catch skip and see where it was coming from. Try explaining that part of it.

The better part of my Fridays were spent running from one "Coffee Break" to another..Never got the "talking skip" bug..I used theatrics, the backround of a pipe organ playing Tocatta and Fuge in D-minor whenever I spoke..If I'd have heard the song "Convoy" one more time I would have gotten sick...
Elvis was really alive.

Don't you know, he still is. Just living in a small town in obscurity. If you really want to find him, look up where the highest sales of Ho-Ho's and Twinkies are. Follow the path Padawan.
Elvis was really alive.

And so was Jimi Hendrix, Jim Morrison and Janis Joplin.

Also Bruce Lee and John Wayne were alive too.

And finally if you remember seeing a Lyndon B. Johnson speech on a black and white TV (and he was alive too)

WOW!!! I am old.
Don't you know, he still is. Just living in a small town in obscurity. If you really want to find him, look up where the highest sales of Ho-Ho's and Twinkies are. Follow the path Padawan.

Yeah Elvis lives in a trailer park about thirty miles from me. He's living in sin with Amelia Earhart and Jimmy Hoffa.
And so was Jimi Hendrix, Jim Morrison and Janis Joplin.

Also Bruce Lee and John Wayne were alive too.

And finally if you remember seeing a Lyndon B. Johnson speech on a black and white TV (and he was alive too)

WOW!!! I am old.

You ain't alone...I remember all that too..Bruce Lee starring in The Green Hornet...
Watching Neil Armstrong walk on the moon on the only black and white TV in the neighbourhood. (20 people jammed into her lounge room )
Watching Neil Armstrong walk on the moon on the only black and white TV in the neighbourhood. (20 people jammed into her lounge room )

Excellent memory jogger..About 20 of us crammed into our friends cottage..
it's hard to remember the time when your knees and ankles DIDN'T pop and crack when you got out of bed to go to the bathroom..
Hey, I've got you by nine years..How do you think I feel?

I got you by 22 years..WAIT the worst is YET to come..However we MA's are sparred a lot of the stiffness due to our stretching for ALL those years..

God you know you're getting old when people from your own age group adress you as sir.
I hear ya there..When I ran that nightclub in Fla I was 32 and NEVER got use to being called Mister...

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