You Guys are Funny

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Actually, I don't think we really care what happens on other sites, and dragging mud in from there to here IS against our site rules.
In the philipines and malaysia people carry machettes around daily. Its like a sword. Not every place in the world has the same laws as america. Some cultures and regions in the world swords or long bladed knives are an everyday thing. Marines carry swords when wearing their fancy get ups with the tap shoes. The british royal guard carries swords. I think you are mistaken when you say that a sword is not something that is used for self defense today. Just depends on where your located.

Also theway you use a sword translates to other things such as sticks or empty hands. This is called thinking outside of the box. Its also how such things as jujutsu came into existence. So go learn to use a sword then figure out how the movements can be applied elsewhere.

You still never told us what you were hoping to get from this thread and why you have brought over old stuff from a completely different forum.
I done already said what I have to say but since everyone wants everything simplified I'll say it again:

1) Much to your dismay and disappointment I do train with licensed and credentialed instructors at 2 schools and one of them has a black belt from Robert Bussey before he broke away to form RBWI.

2) I see more lies spread about me that truths and the same things you label on me your associates are accused of as well

3) If you want to know something about me that bad PM me and as time allows I'll get back to you

4) Don't believe everything that you are told about people unless you hear it from the person themselves have a nice day guys. I only wanted to bring it up to your attention I know that you guys say alot of negative things about me and to be honest if you want to put me in the league of people like Anthony Cummins (I saw the video where Manga found out he really is ranked in Togakure Ryu and I love how he constantly proves X-kan members on MAP and members here wrong constantly) and James Loriega by all means I'm honored.
Hi ronin,

Im not sure who you are exactly according to the link you posted. Im not trying to add fuel to the fire etc, just trying to figure out who you are in the thread exactly.


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Thread locked. What happens somewhere else stays somewhere else.
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