Deaf Smith wrote:
Thread has been interesting thanks for starting it. I wonder if you could have learned to be an ASP.NET programmer (I have no idea what that is LOL) just reading the book without having a computer to use the knowledge/practice on? Congratulations on being able to complete the large project for your company with your new tools, that is cool!
Books and videos are a great way of supplementing and exploring the learning echoing many good posts above, of getting new ideas and exposure to new thoughts, but in my opinion until you put into practice the new knowledge it is cheap, not fully understood and easily forgotten.
Warmest Regards
Brian King
“I did not learn computer programming from just books (graduated from college for that one.) But, I'm an ASP.NET progerammer now (among other things) at were I work. How did I learn it? Books! I've never had a class in it. I use Microsoft Visual Web Developer and I got a 'how to learn ASP.NET in 24 hours (more like days guys, not hours!!) And simply did a large project for my company once I played around with it for a while.”
Thread has been interesting thanks for starting it. I wonder if you could have learned to be an ASP.NET programmer (I have no idea what that is LOL) just reading the book without having a computer to use the knowledge/practice on? Congratulations on being able to complete the large project for your company with your new tools, that is cool!
Books and videos are a great way of supplementing and exploring the learning echoing many good posts above, of getting new ideas and exposure to new thoughts, but in my opinion until you put into practice the new knowledge it is cheap, not fully understood and easily forgotten.
Warmest Regards
Brian King