What makes you keep going to your Martial Arts class?


Black Belt
I have bee training in Shaolin Long fist for 5 years, just recently got my brown sash. What i like about it is we learn some cool self defence techniques, its a very friendly light hearted atmosphere with good training principles and always something new every week, a new training drill/ exercise, new techniques. It is never boring and one class is never quite the same as the others. My instructor tries to keep things fun and introduce new things so it will never get boring.

A lot of people train in a Martial Art for self defence and some say to keep fit but you can keep fit doing other things so i think such people enjoy learning to become better fighters and miss what martial arts has to offer.
Fighting is indeed one aspect but there is much more that martial arts has to teach us!
Originally, my mom and I started Aikido to learn how to defend ourselves from a family member without being forced to hurt him. That's still partially the reason, but after 4 1/2 years, the main reasons why we're continuing-----

-we developed a real love for the art
-the senseis and other students in the class are fun and we're all friends now
-the more we learn, the more we realize we DON'T know!
-it's NEVER boring!
-it's in my system now and I can't imagine ever quitting. I want to be able to do it for the rest of my life. :D

Those are the main reasons, other benefits is getting out of the house to be with nice people who all are working for a common goal. It's also a different type of exercise from something you get on a machine.

Robyn :asian:
Well, martial arts for me is an internal--and personal--journey. Yes, I do learn the physical aspects but there is much more to it than just learning how to move. That said, my reasons for going to my classes vary as I progress through the years. Sometimes the reasons are revisited. Regardless, the main reason why I keep going is because I enjoy it very, very much! It is a passion.

- Ceicei
ikeep training cus it makes me feal good about myself, i like who iv become and i like the positive influnces. It also has become part of life for me, summers gonna suck when i wont be able to go to class
I like learning new things and besides it's in the blood and won't go away. Training is apart of me and I will not stop.
I go because I wouldn't be the same without it. Besides its fun and good exercise for health. TW
I orignally started for self defense. But I kept going because it's like a drug. I'm addicted to it LOL. I also like the "character building." MA helped me become a better person, set goals and keep them (inside and outside of MA).
I originally started for SD, and to get in better shape. As time went on, and as I was exposed to many different things, the desire to continue to go and to keep learning more just kept getting stronger.

At it's simplest. Habit.

Somehow, because of all kinds of reasons (different for us all), you've found the time and the willpower to make your lessons part of your life. It's Thursday, it's 7pm, therefore I'm off to training now... :-)
The training is an ingrained part of me-I feel weird if I didn't get my daily dose-sort of like going to bed without brushing your teeth doesn't quite feel right. After a few days without training, my wife says I am cranky...she's probably right.

My students when I see the light go off on a new technique , I sit back and say great what a wonderful sight. Thats what keeps me coing back day after day.
I love going because it was fun and it relieved a lot of stress. Every class was different and the classes were always informative. For me, it is a drug that I must have or I will suffer from withdrawal. I also loved it when we competed in tournaments. Tournaments were something I always looked forward to, because I could meet other MA's and learn a thing or two from them.

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