Learning martial arts from very limited sources

Yes he did although much of it he did on his own but he did get some help. Interesting that you or anyone else haven't asked who it was considering he was also a huge figure in American history.
Some of us have played the guessing game before, with half-hints as answers. It's not worth the energy.
I've thought of an experiment. Take 3 guys:
  1. Never fights, never learns martial arts, just does physical conditioning and weight training.
  2. Never fights against an opponent and never does any physical conditioning (other than the repetitions of technique), but is trained techniques, forms, and drills.
  3. Never is taught anything, just thrown into a fight every day and told to learn from the experience.
Who would do best in a fight with those experiences?

This should be a new post! Cause so many possibilities...
What first comes to mind for an answer is build "your resource"


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