Senior Master
If I were you, I prefer to train at a club instead of the YMCA because I heard that the Karate lessons there are not that good and operators like to give belt ranks to students like tournament trophies, yeah even kids are black belts there. That's just my opinion, and I'm not trying to discourage you. It is worth going down to your local YMCA and visit a class and talk to the Sensei there, ask questions.
You are going to find "McDojos" no matter where you go. Location of a class is NO indicator of the type of education or training that you will recieve there. For awhile, our city had a very high ranking and nationally known Uechi-Ryu instructor that taught through community ed. programs. He had another job and it allowed him to teach without having to worry about the business side of things or worry about students not being able to afford lessons.
As a side note, in our city it is called the "Y-Center" since it allows both males and females for at least the past 35 years I have known about it. While I was in college, down in Indiana the local place was still called the YMCA even though it allowed women.