Blue Belt
Originally posted by kenpo3631
Hmmm, question then. Do the advanced belts at your school do Delayed Sword on the left side for a requirement?
I was under suspect that the Ed Parker System of Kenpo was a right handed system and that's why the techniques are designed the way they are. (If you notice, most start with your right side forward).
Only because this is a Right dominant World(does it seem that it is right handed system) , there have been case studies, I don't have the number in front of me of ratio of right handed attackers to left handed attackers, I believe it is 9:1. Plus if you look at your classes how many left handed people are there.
No it is not a requirement for advanced belts. It is something that is asked of us to do on our own time, and there are times were we will do the techniques on the left side, in group classes. It is something not to be neglected. It should be done, and done often. It gives you so many more answers to any type of attack.
P.S. Remember this is only one answer of many.