Yellow Belt techniques...



I'm not going to go into the who set of requirements for the belt, just the techniques. If you want to see the criteria go to my webpage and click on the grey crest.
Delayed Sword
(front - right hand lapel grab)

1)Standing naturally, step back with your left foot toward 6:00
into a right neutral bow stance facing 12:00, while simultaneously
executing a right inward block to the right inner wrist of your
opponent's right hand lapel grab. At the same time position your
left hand at solar-plexus level as a precautionary check against
further action. (Your block should expose the width of his body.)

2)Immediatly slide your right foot back into a 45 degree cat

3)Without hesitation deliver a right front ball snap kick to your
opponent's groin. (Your opponent's reaction should cause him to
bend forward at the waist.)

4)Plant your right foot forward into a right neutral bow (facing
12:00), to check your opponent's right knee, as you deliver a
right outward hand sword to the right side of your opponent's
neck. Remember to maintain the position of your left hand as a
precautionary check. Immediatly slide your right hand (after the
strike) to the right wrist of your opponent as a precautionary
check. (Your opponent's response should cause him to fall to the
)Alternating Maces
(front - two-hand push)

1)Standing naturally, and as your opponent attempts to push you, step back
with your left foor toward 6:00 into a right neutral bow stance (facing
12:00). Simultaneously execute a right inward block to the outside of your
opponent's left arm, while your left hand checks at your solar plexus.
(This action should turn the width of your opponent's body, and redirect
his forward momentum off center.)

2)Immediatly collapse your right arm across the top of both of your
opponent's arms (to act as checks), as you deliver a left vertical thrust
punch (tracking over your right arm) to your opponent's sternum or solar
plexus. This is done while pivoting into a right forward bow stance.
Remember, both the stance change and punch must work in sychronization
with each other in order to maximize the force of your left vertical thrust
punch. (Your opponent's reaction should cause his body to bend forward at
the waist.)

3)Immediatly convert your left punch into a check by having it shift, palm
open and down, on top of both your opponent's arms. Simultaneously have your
right hand rapidly travel inside and over your left arm as you deliver a
right outward back knuckle strike to your opponent's right temple. This
transition is done while pivoting back into a right neautral bow stance.
(The torque stemming from your stance change helps to increase the whipping
action of your right hand, and, if properly executed, should cause your
opponent's head to be driven up and back, with the possibility of his arms
flailing upward.)

4)Immediatly have your right hand snap back, and it then acts as a positional
#3)Sword Of Destruction
(front - left straight or roundhouse punch)

1)Standing naturally, step back with your left foot toward 6:00 into a right neautral bow stance (facing 12:00), as you simultaneously execute a right outward extended block to the inner forearm of your opponent's left punch. Your left hand should be in a positional check at your right shoulder.

2)Immediatly slide your right foot forward into a 45 degree cat stance to create forward body momentum.

3)Without hesitation deliver a right front snap ball kick to your opponent's groin. (Your kick shoul dcause your opponent to bend forward at the waist.)

4)While planting your right foot forward, inside of your opponent's left leg, and into a right neutral bow (facing 12:00), employ marriage of gravity as you execute a right inward handsword strike to the left side of your opponent's neck. (This action should cause your opponent to fall to the ground.)

5)Immediatly snap your right hand back to the left shoulder of your opponent to act as a check.
#4)Deflecting Hammer
(front - right front thrust kick)

1)Standing naturally, step back with your left foot toward 7:30 into a right neutral bow stance (to move out of your opponent's line of attack), as you simultaneously execute a right outside downward diagonal block against the outsode of your opponent's right kicking leg. Be sure to have your left check at your solar plexus during your block. (Your opponent's body should turn slightly to his left when your block is properly executed. Your block should additionally, turn your opponent's width, and cause injury to his leg.)

2)Without hesitation, and while still in your right neutral bow, shuffle forward as your left hand checks inward toward and between your opponent's right shoulder and bicep. Your right hand continues to circle, and will re-orbit into an inward elbow strike. (Make sure your left hand checks your opponent's forward momentum as well as the width of his upper body.)

3)Just as you conclude your shuffle execute a right inward horizontal elbow strike to your opponent's face. This is done simultaneously with a left sliding check down and onto your opponent's right elbow. (The effects of both actions should cause your opponent's head to snap back and possibly have your opponent drop to the ground.)
#5)Captured Twigs
(rear - bear hug with arms pinned)

1)Standing naturally, with your opponent's arms around your arms, step to 9:00 with your left foot into a horse stance (While looking over your right shoulder), and simultaneously pin your opponent's hands to your body with your left hand. Just as your weight settles into your horse stance, execute a right back hammerfist strike to your opponent's groin. (This action should cause your opponent to bend forward at the waist, and possibly release his grasp.)

2)Immediatly slide your right foot into a right cat stance (turning 90 degrees while facing 3:00), as your left hand releases the pin, clears your opponent's right arm, and covers the front of your face as a positional check. Simultaneously with the action of your left arm have your right hand cover your groin, and proceed to clear your opponent's left arm. 3)Execute a right heel stomp kick to your opponent's left instep, causing your opponent to bend foreward even further.

4)Slide your right foot back toward 3:00 into a horse stance. Immediately have your right forarm contour (track) up the middle of your opponent's body as you execute a right vertical obscure elbow strike to the underside of your opponent's chin. have your right arm snap back after the strike, and cover your groin. (Your opponent's head should been popped up and back, and his body may also spin away from you if done properly.)
Even if you don't get out it allows for you to be mobile inside the clinch to continue with your technique.

However, I have never been a big fan of this technique and prefer the old "Spreading Branch" because I feel it allows you to follow the rule of establishing your base and keeping it. On top of that I find it has less danger of developing into a headlock.

Just my 2 cents.
At the recent OKKA camp we spent sometime with the yellowbelt techniques and found out why they were put in the order they were. It was quite interesting. Does anyone have more little tidbits on the yellow belt techniques.
Were the firts four techniques of yellow belt not designed not to teach the 4 quadrants and how to protect them. Delayed Sword your upper left quandrant, Alternating maces lower quadrant, Sword of Destruction Upper right quadrant, and Intellectual Departure lower quadrant.

I have another question though, why was Intellectual Departure removed from most yellow belt curriculums.
Thank you for the correction, I was going from some info I had read a while back and that was why I asked.
The problem has been many people have put the techniques in a different order over the yrs and have changed them so much they no longer resemble what was origianlly taught as yellow belt material.
Just by pushing the arms you do not close your target. When practicing slow in class it happens sometimes because you and your partner know what is going on. On the street the the block folowed by the strike would be vety effective.
Originally posted by Klondike93

Well, you guys have been doing this a lot longer that I have, those are just some of things that happen when I try to do it.


Have you ever tried the technique with speed and on someone who did not know what to expect. That might change how you look at the technique. Put a littl sting into the block as well and the arms won't close the gap on you.
Originally posted by kenpo3631

However, I really don't understand what principle Alternating Maces teaches and that if done by the book I found that it doesn't work. There is NO downward forearm check anywhere in the written material. I also think Sword and Hammer is redundant. It shows you target changes from the same position as Obscure Wing (something we can find through experimentation).

not every detail is in the manual that is why you have to attend classes with an instructor. As for Sword and Hammer being redundant I think you have t look at the order the trechniques are taught in. What comes first Sword and Hammer or Obscure Wing in the original teaching order. And is the idea of changing the targets not important enough to be repeated.
The Yellow belt program was created as a introductory course to let people experience Kenpo. There are some good techniques as well as bad techniques in the belt. And every principle you learn in yellow belt can be found elsewhere in the system. there is no problem re-iterating these principle no one learns thing by seeing it once. Many of the principle are shown more than once and allow the student to see the same thing in a different light.

The yellow belt is simplistic so that the beginner can gradually get their feet wet with the system. That is why once you are truly learning the system at orange belt you learn the base technique and not the entire technique with its extension. Kenpo is full of amny stages or phases.

People sometimes over analyze things looking for things that are not there. We have to stop looking at the yellow belt techniqus like Black Belts sometimes and look at the with white belt's eyes and realize they can still be somewhat intimidating.
Originally posted by kenpo3631

I am not saying not to practice the left side of the techniques, you can do what you want, I thought the forms taught you the opposites and reverse of Kenpo?

Besides if you think of it, for every attack you can think of there is a technique that combats it. Aren't most of them dirivatives of other techniques?:asian:

I can see someone ate their wheaties today. Or maybe it was all that Training with HUk that stimulated the grey matter. That was a great answer.
I love attending all the events but with my wife's and my hectic schedules it is sometimes hard. Then there is also the cost factor, the conversion from Canadian to American can become quite costly. But I do hope to attend the next camp.
Originally posted by Klondike93

Will Gou get to come back?


cut from an email I sent recently
There were a variety of reasons for the action. We have recently had to issue a large number of warnings and other disciplinary actions to several forum members. Two members were banned, and several others were suspended until April 1st because of these incidents. Bear in mind that you may not have seen the entire incident due to threads being tossed, posts being deleted, and items being discussed in PMs. As you can imagine, we don't wish to discuss the specifics of any indivdiual's situation. All suspended members will be welcomed back April 1st. The banned members are permanently banned.
April 1st. And if any of you dress up in cheerleaders outfits...well, thats just too scary to even consider.
