RHD said:
Chee, again I have to say please read the posts. There must be some miscommunication between yourself and your sifu...Sifu Mike clearly stated that YCT was an internal art. A classical one in fact. I know what the three major classical "internal" martial arts are, I was only referrring to a previous post. Please read them. Maybe now you will have some more questions to ask at your school. For instance, why do you say YCT is not an internal art, but your sifu does? Am i misreading the posts or does he not say something to this effect? Mike
Apparently, what I posted
after my last post that did show, did not get posted or I was interrupted in the process because I don't see it now. I had actually wrote again clarifing my statement after that post. I will try to clarify my statement (again). YCT
is an internal classical MA in the practical sense. I have a complete understanding of what YCT art is and what Sigong Mike is all about. My follow-up post explaining what I meant unfortunately did not post somehow. YCT it's not
officially recognized as an internal art. By the word "recognize", I mean
recognized by those artists whose Internal System's
are classified in the offical meaning of the classification
Internal System (note that I stressed the word "offical").
The following incident is why I said "offically recognized". 3 years ago when I first competed in Taiji Legacy, I entered in the
Internal Weapons Forms Category because very naively, my Sifu and I thought since YCT is an internal art form, I should entered in that category. The weapon I used is the double-edge straight sword,
Gim (also known as Taiji Sword). I was the first one up, after my performance the judges circled-up among themselves talking to each other. Now, if you've ever been in a competition, you would know that judges gathering around is not a good thing after any performance. I came to find out that this category of "Internal" system is only for those "
recognized" internal systems. All the people competing in this category are all doing their swords Taiji style (in slow execution) and here I was doing a
fighting Gim form (my form had Taiji moves but not done slowly). I was told I have been misclassified and I should have competed in the
Open category. This is the hard way that I learn about classifications in Chinese MA Tournaments. My sifu was not to blame since he is not in the tournament circuit. He does not believe in competitions. I wanted to do it for myself so I went and he supported that decision.
So now I know why there is so much confusion about what
Internal System really is. I did not make it up, some offical group of practitioner did. The
miscommunication referred to in the recent posts seemed to be generated by me, by not clarifing what I meant when I made the original statement. I will restate it now again:
YCT it's not
officially recognized as an internal art by practitioners whose art is in the offically recognized Internal Arts system. But in a practical sense, YCT
is an internal martial art and is
definitely classical.
Thank you.
