Our GM personally trains all his instructors and has appointed a chief instructor. The chief instructor regularly attends classes and sits at the back to check that the set curriculum is being taught, and taught the way its supposed to be. All instructors must attend black belt class where the curriculum is set out for them and they are taught how to teach it. Instructors are then assessed by the GM and chief instructor to check they are adhering to everything set out for them. Going by that, Id say we are a lot more regulated. But thats not the point, as Ive said many many times, I have no problem with the kukkiwon or the kukkiwon curriculum, in fact I think its great there is a governing body BUT, if they dont over see whats being taught and watch classes to see its being taught as instructed then I dont see the point. In my opinion (and its only my opinion), I dont see the point in regulating something unless you are going to stringently oversee everyone in the org to make sure that those not adhering dont undermine all the hardwork done by those that do.When I got my black belt cert I knew I had done everything to the letter as required by my GM and had followed the exact curriculum as every other black belt in the club. Unfortunately the same cannot be said for ALL kukkiwon black belts. I hope any proposed changes can rectify this. Please understand that I have nothing against the kukkiwon, one of my best mate's is a kukkiwon black belt and he's damn good, and is an excellent product of the style. The only point I try to make is that its not consistent accross the board and surely the biggest advantage of an org is consistency.