Would like to learn Kung Fu

Age doesn't really matter, mate!

Unless you're terrifically old and have terrible joint mobility, but even then one sees senior citizens practicing Aikido or even Judo, so what's stopping you?

Chris is spot on. Don't listen to silver-screen martial arts movies too much, or the urban legends/myths around Kung Fu. Yes it's nice to be able to start at an early age, but it's definitely not a prerequisite. Kung Fu is an umbrella term for a family of Chinese martial arts, and each differs quite wonderfully. If you're worried about the time it supposedly takes to learn Kung Fu with respect to your age, all I can say is that the journey's a reward in itself. There's nothing quite like personal growth and hard work won by repetitive training over the years as you find in the martial arts. Kung Fu, literally means "Hard Work", so go figure!

"With Taijiquan you'll be able to walk out the door in ten years. With Xingyiquan, you can kill a man in three."

Yeah I will definitely take your advise and I really appreciate them. I have researched about Kung Fu but it is quite nice to take advises from the actual practitioners so thank you, guys..
Make sure you go to a place with a good, positive instructor. Check their credentials (they should have some). See how the students do their forms, if they are sloppy (or not). You are not too old to start. Make sure wherever you go does plenty of warm ups and stretches before engaging in forms (major red flag if they do not--something is off or the teacher doesn't care)---particularly if it is a style that involves a lot of kicks, drop stances, and jumps. See if they teach the application of the forms to fighting, and lastly ask if you can try a class. If it is a good school they will let you try one (in general). You might also ask students what it is like outside of class if you know someone who attends the school, or catch a few people on their way out.
I am actually in touch with some instructors but am still weighing my options. and thanks a lot for the added input, I will keep them in mind. :)
As others have said, within reason, age is almost irrelevant. I started at 21 and almost 4 years on I think I'm doing quite well. I'm confident that with dedicated and strategic training I'll be able to reach a good level of proficiency.

Sparring, lots of partner drills and intermediate to high graded students looking like they know what they are doing are all good signs.

Form demonstration by itself is fine but don't expect to be able to apply the art with forms alone. Partner drills and sparring are very important.
Thank you very much for the encouragement. I will definitely take those advises seriously as I got them from actual practitioners in you guys..
I just started kung fu and I'm 43. I did Tae Kwon Do back when I was young, but lost my way over the years and got horribly out of shape. About a year ago I decided I'd had enough and I was going to get back on track. I started dieting, exercising, lost a lot of weight, and once I felt I was ready I researched local schools and signed up.

Like they said, you'll be 29 in a year whether you start training or not. If this is something important to you that you're interested in doing - there is no time like the present and any obstacles you might feel are in your way can be removed easily once you acknowledge them and make a plan of how to overcome them. I only wish I could go back in time and tell myself that back when I was younger, I'd be a master by now :)
I just started kung fu and I'm 43. I did Tae Kwon Do back when I was young, but lost my way over the years and got horribly out of shape. About a year ago I decided I'd had enough and I was going to get back on track. I started dieting, exercising, lost a lot of weight, and once I felt I was ready I researched local schools and signed up.

Like they said, you'll be 29 in a year whether you start training or not. If this is something important to you that you're interested in doing - there is no time like the present and any obstacles you might feel are in your way can be removed easily once you acknowledge them and make a plan of how to overcome them. I only wish I could go back in time and tell myself that back when I was younger, I'd be a master by now :)

Your words are truly inspiring. Thanks for sharing your experience. I will put that into account.. :)
what cris said... whats stopping you?? join if you know where one is

kung fu is lots of fun, ive practiced xingyiquan. uses quite a bit of low stances. one of my favorite weapons is the niuweidao and i use it in a xingyiquan form (cant spell the name but have practiced it for a year and a half now and enjoy practicing it) :)

discipline?? go to kung fu class, you will learn discipline! you dont have to be disciplined to start, just patient and willing to put in effort :)

personally i like watching those cool looking kung fu movies(i know a lot of it is fake but still occasionally watch) but like has already been said would be wise to know the difference between the movies and the real martial arts
Eh, that's nothing that should stop you…

At this point, you're at a stage referred to as "Unconscious Incompetence"… in other words, you don't know what you don't know yet. When you start, you'll feel uncoordinated, awkward, unsure of what you're doing… which is "Conscious Incompetence"… you know what you're meant to do, but not how to do it. After a while, you'll move onto "Conscious Competence", being able to do what you need to by thinking about it, and focusing on it… eventually, you'll arrive at "Unconscious Competence"… where you don't have to think about what you're doing, it'll just be there for you.

For now, of course, just realise that you're at the start… which is where everyone starts from. You're not meant to be good, great, perfect, or anything else… you're meant to be a beginner. Embrace that! It's great! But most importantly… start! Otherwise, nothing will happen… and you'll never get the benefits you're after.

I've never heard the process summed up that way and it's perfect! Well done.
what cris said... whats stopping you?? join if you know where one is

kung fu is lots of fun, ive practiced xingyiquan. uses quite a bit of low stances. one of my favorite weapons is the niuweidao and i use it in a xingyiquan form (cant spell the name but have practiced it for a year and a half now and enjoy practicing it) :)

discipline?? go to kung fu class, you will learn discipline! you dont have to be disciplined to start, just patient and willing to put in effort :)

personally i like watching those cool looking kung fu movies(i know a lot of it is fake but still occasionally watch) but like has already been said would be wise to know the difference between the movies and the real martial arts

No the only thing that is stopping me is the fact that there are no credible schools in my area where I can be thought properly. hehe
I'm in my 40's and I'm a kung fu beast .. 28 is still young. I've know people who are in their 50's and they are just starting out in Kung Fu.

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