Wow guys lots of replies here. I've just checked back, going to read through all of these now...
I did notice however that a lot of people are saying that proper training cannot be done without an instructor, trust me, I do know this. And I do intend on taking it to that level. But until I can I would still like to be learning. The reason for not having an instructor at present is because of finances partly but mostly due to lack of availability in Kung Fu training in my area and the region in general. That is why during my break from university I intend to travel quite a distance to train with a 34th generation shaolin monk that I have already been in contact with
trust me, I am taking it seriously.
I can easily find MMA or Taekwondo or those kinds of things in my area, and I think I will take taekwondo classes, but Kung Fu is meaningful for me in a much deeper way as I have just overcome a serious breakdown and period of 3 year agoraphobia and depression, its internal work as well as external.
Really I just wanted to know the main forms taught so that I could have a look until training becomes available to me.