World To End Wednesday

So, I got up early this morning to check CNN to see if the world ended last night. They didn't say one way or another. Does anyone know? Has anyone else heard?

Haven't heard one way or the other but the fog in my little valley is so thick this morning that it may have ended everywhere but here... or maybe I'm in the center of a black hole and don't know it yet. If anyone can read my post I guess I'm still alive. Hello? Anyone? Bueller? ;)
Seems the initial tests were very succesful. Colliding the two actual beams won`t be done for another two weeks or so, but collisions in form of introducing elements into the beam have been done already.
Didn't they learn anything from Ghostbusters? Never collide the beams. ;) I wonder if there'll be any reaction at all from colliding light together.
I just found this news report from a very reliable source:

Success! The World hasn't Ended
by Staff Reporter
Published today

We are all still here!

The world's most powerful physics experiment is well and truly under way.

Scientists cheered as a beam of proton particles completed their first circuit of the 27km long Large Hadron Collider (LHC).

Complete article available here.
All the big news services are posting headlines like "Big Bang... And We're Still Here!".

Except they didn't actually "bang" anything, just let the particles run around in a circle for a while.
All the big news services are posting headlines like "Big Bang... And We're Still Here!".

Except they didn't actually "bang" anything, just let the particles run around in a circle for a while.

So are you saying it is still possible to hear



And the whole mess starts all over again :uhyeah:
Still here at least so far!
Yeah, ... sigh, I woke up this morning and realized I'm still here and the world is still here... oh well, might as well get outta bed.
Massive particle collider passes first key tests

By ALEXANDER G. HIGGINS, Associated Press Writer 4 minutes ago

GENEVA - The world's largest particle collider passed its first major tests by firing two beams of protons in opposite directions around a 17-mile (27-kilometer) underground ring Wednesday in what scientists hope is the next great step to understanding the makeup of the universe.
:D Sounds like every morning for me :lol:.
In one of those examples of how sometimes free access to information can be a bad thing, I've just been enormously depressed by the Internet. How? I looked at a thread and a poll put up by my ISP with regard to the LHC experiment.

The level of ignorance that I read there set back my view of the worth of humanity by quite some margin. In part it's not their fault

Except that...if they posted on the poll, they have access to the Internet. Wikipedia could have helped them enormously on this matter.

Anyway, I plan on calling in to work "evaporated by a black hole" today. Think they'll buy it? My dean is a physicist, after all.
So are you saying it is still possible to hear



And the whole mess starts all over again :uhyeah:

Hey, maybe the reason we can't find evidence of a Creator of the universe is that the Creator snuffed it in making the universe. On accident!
I wonder if there'll be any reaction at all from colliding light together.

Well, this is why mothers warn their children to never turn on two lights in the same room at one time--the light would collide.

I once turned on a flashlight in the sunlight. It blew my eyebrows clear off my head.
It may very well be ending after all. I just got back from the Social Security office. I had to apply for a replacement SS card and I was in and out in exactly 7 minutes! :ultracool
Okay, truth time. How many of you used this excuse to get a little somethin'-somethin' last night? Hm?


I'm thrilled that we haven't exterminated ourselves yet.

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