World To End Wednesday

I found this article to be rather timely for this discussion. Ya'll better read it fast as we're less than 24 hours from the end.
I found this article to be rather timely for this discussion. Ya'll better read it fast as we're less than 24 hours from the end.


No time to many trees and so little time you know.... must.... go... beat... trees..... :D
Has anyone been to see the planning application?
Yes It was on display in the bottom of a locked filing cabinet stuck in a disused lavatory with a sign on the door saying 'Beware of the Leopard'
No kidding. I'm still trying to conceptualize Planck time.

Which is probably still not the shortest possible length of time....though it should be. :lol:....and is, for the time being, the shortest measurable....sort in sort of measurable :lol:

This website is an excellent source for "Mom the shrink" explanations.Though sometimes technically "off," it's usually conceptually correct.
In one of those examples of how sometimes free access to information can be a bad thing, I've just been enormously depressed by the Internet. How? I looked at a thread and a poll put up by my ISP with regard to the LHC experiment.

The level of ignorance that I read there set back my view of the worth of humanity by quite some margin. In part it's not their fault I know, the structure of society has been re-fabricated to make them ignorant and fearful but do they never take the trouble to learn anything?

Of course, the media hasn't helped by trying to make this out to be a Doomsday Scenario but people really should be able to think for themselves at least a little ... surely?

Of course, the comedic element is that today is just a beam test to see that everything is lined up properly now that the device has gotten down to a low enough stable temperature. It wont be actually colliding anything for a while yet.
Well, I start a 15 hour drive to Pasadena tonight so if it's going to end, I wish they would just own up to it so I don't have to worry about the trip
My mother just called me at work, she thinks the world is about to end.
So, I got up early this morning to check CNN to see if the world ended last night. They didn't say one way or another. Does anyone know? Has anyone else heard?


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