World To End Wednesday

2012, Xue. Depending on who you're talking to the Mayan thing isn't an end of the world prophecy but it IS a world changing prophecy. If this doesn't get us then Apophis will in 2036 or so.
It has been theorised, in fact, that all we observe as 'known space' exists inside a black hole, so don't worry about it. Plus, micro-black-holes, are theoretically at least, generated all the time and float about in local space nibbling at atoms for a while before dissipating.

Cascade reactions unbinding the bonds between atoms throughout the universe are highly unlikely as a consequence ofthe LHC. Just in case tho', I shall make sure to be drunk prior to full power activation :D.

EDIT: The Mayan calendar thing has been done to death. It's not the end of the world or Rapture (sorry, Christian Fundamentalists), it's just the end of the current cycle. That can mean that everyone will stop being such a me-first **** about everything and become more spiritual rather than materialist or it could be the reverse. We just don't know (or if it signifies anything at all). The Mayan calendar is (allegedly) a cycle of psycho-social influences and it's up to us how we react to them.
Isn't it interesting that any time some new discovery comes along the doom sayers come out of the woodwork? From Columbus sailing off the edge of the world to Y2K.....we've not really changed at the core have we? ROFL's the 21st Century and though we make great scientific breakthroughs like this one, as a whole we're still nothing more than frightened-rock-beating-cavemen at heart. LMAO
2012, Xue. Depending on who you're talking to the Mayan thing isn't an end of the world prophecy but it IS a world changing prophecy. If this doesn't get us then Apophis will in 2036 or so.

Thanks, I wasn't sure, it has been awhile since I read about it.... does it mention an atom smasher :D
Make sure to have a stack of them ready ... and some peanuts ... and some beer (of course) ... now where did I put my Electronic Thumb?
Don't forget to counter-point the underlying metaphor - it won't save you from the air-lock but it never hurts to try :D.
2012, Xue. Depending on who you're talking to the Mayan thing isn't an end of the world prophecy but it IS a world changing prophecy. If this doesn't get us then Apophis will in 2036 or so.
And here I though you were talking about the bad guy from Stargate: SG-1... :lol:

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