World Martial Arts Live

frank raud

Master of Arts
So, we all know Zoom/Microsoft Teams/Facebook Live is not the ideal way to study martial arts, but with international travel being so restricted, the chance to train with international instructors is very limited these days. I'm about to join in on 24 hour marathon of martials arts, with instructors from around the world. 96 instructors from North America, England, Spain, Russia, Japan, Australia, India and many more. Will check in with updates and thoughts. If you're interested, look up World Martial Arts Live on Facebook.
Just did a zoom session with Matt Dorsey, 9th Dan Isshin-ryu on joint locks and throws, showing applications from kata. Next up, Kudo with Vispy Kharadi, an instructor from India.
So, the Kudo class involved no throwing or takedowns, so was essentially a karate class. Not as interesting as I thought it might be. Next up was a class with Gary Legacy, a Shorin ryu practioner from Canada, showing techniques and applications from White Crane and Shorin ryu. Very impressive. I followed this with a class in pressure point techniques as demonstrated by my head instructor Jean Therien and one of his senior black belts, Bernard Ladouceur. Always good to review some familiar techniques.
Had plans all day, bummed I missed out on this, looks like an awesome lineup! Thanks for sharing though sounds great... have done heaps of online training through the year though, such an enriching experience training with so many different instructors!
Had plans all day, bummed I missed out on this, looks like an awesome lineup! Thanks for sharing though sounds great... have done heaps of online training through the year though, such an enriching experience training with so many different instructors!
I'm looking forward to catching some of the instructors I missed, like Maggie de Jong and Paul Conolly, and Arlene Limas.

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