How far would you travel to learn a Martial Art?


Black Belt
I live in a town where there is Taekwondo, judo, Karate and Bujinkan Ninjutsu but I have been studying Kung fu in another town 5 miles away! I discovereed this class by accident whil looking for a Martial Art to learn and I had always wanted to learn Kung fu! But I thought I would have to settle for Tang soo do as the nearest Art to it which was also in the same town. I'm so lucky to have found this class as we have a lot of fun and learn some useful things! But only training twice a week I feel I could add other aspects like grappling and other things we don't always have time to do!
I have been looking around for other classes and have discovered a Wing chun class thats about 20 minutes from me by car and 2 Jujutsu classes about 15 minutes from me. I have also found other Martial arts that I would love to learn like Aikido but have found that I would have to travel a little further! I don't suppose its totally unheard of to travel great distances to learn a specific Martial Art if you truly want to learn!
Living in England a lot of the Martial Arts here aren't as well publicised as it is in America and a lot of the classes are in Sports halls or village halls, although there are some full time academies! I know In many parts of America there are so many different Martial Arts studios all situated within walking distance of each other!
So whats all your thoughts on this? if you wanted to learn a specific Martial Art and it was too far away would you still make the effort or settle with the ones that are closest?
I drive an hour, 60 miles to learn.

If it is worth it to you, then your will find away.
20 minutes is nothing! I walk more than that to my jujutsu lessons here, and drive over an hour to my iaido lessons back home. As Rich said, if it's worth it you'll go as far as you feasibly can
I currently live 40 miles from my school, and I drive to it three days a week. I'm not sure what I would consider my "limit" for distance probably something like 80 miles for a school that I would regularly attend.

Good training is worth the commute time!

On a limited scale, I fly from Portland, Oregon to Detroit, Michigan to get lessons from Manong Ted Buot. Obviously I don't do this every week but it answers the question.
Dan Anderson
I only have about a twenty minute drive across town for my classes, but I have several students that drive an hour or more twice a week to come to class. I'd go pretty far, but I think I'd limit my regular training to a forty minute drive one way. Anything more than that, and I'm gonna find it really hard to make the trip several times a week. It's not that I couldn't, just that if it's closer I can train more, so I'd try to impose limits on my self.

Be careful about training in to many arts at once. I tend to think that a person should really try to focus on one thing at a time, at least until they've acheived a general profiecency at it. Cross training can be great, but not for new students. I'd suggest people wait till a black belt equivalent level to begin. That's still fairly early on in your study of a martial art, but you should have enough of a base in one that another won't confuse you. I also think the developed skills in one art will make another easier to learn.

Well I drove 6hrs. to the dojo where I wanted to continue my Kempo training. Why 6hrs. you may ask.....well it is like everyone else said, it was worth it to me to drive that far for what I wanted to train in. Now in the beginning (1999), I would go every month, to every other month and train for a minimum of 4hrs. 3-4x's a week.

Now obviously I'm wasn't able to keep up that type of training regiment through the years with work, family life, etc., but I do my best to maintain what I've learned, and continue to go back for more trainining whenever possible. In fact, every spring break to date has been my regular training week, and when extra time permits, then I travel down during the summer/fall seasons.
Pacificshore said:
Well I drove 6hrs. to the dojo where I wanted to continue my Kempo training. Why 6hrs. you may ask.....well it is like everyone else said, it was worth it to me to drive that far for what I wanted to train in. Now in the beginning (1999), I would go every month, to every other month and train for a minimum of 4hrs. 3-4x's a week.

Now obviously I'm wasn't able to keep up that type of training regiment through the years with work, family life, etc., but I do my best to maintain what I've learned, and continue to go back for more trainining whenever possible. In fact, every spring break to date has been my regular training week, and when extra time permits, then I travel down during the summer/fall seasons.

Wow I'm in awe of you!! thats amazing!! You must have a lot of time on you hands to drive 6hrs!!! you should be congratulated!! sounds like you are very dedicated!
I'm a Bujinkan practitioner, and when I began I drove 100 miles after work twice a week to train at the only dojo in northern/central California.

That was twenty years ago. Now I go regularly to Japan.
When I was with Professor Dill's Jeet Kone Do,I drove from my home here in Bristol,Tn to seminars three or four times a year to Wheeling,WVa,Tahlequa,Ok,and Collingswood,Nj.I have gone to regular JKD classes 100 miles away twice a week.
Gary Crawford said:
When I was with Professor Dill's Jeet Kone Do,I drove from my home here in Bristol,Tn to seminars three or four times a year to Wheeling,WVa,Tahlequa,Ok,and Collingswood,Nj.I have gone to regular JKD classes 100 miles away twice a week.

Gary that is remarkable!
Gary Crawford said:
When I was with Professor Dill's Jeet Kone Do,I drove from my home here in Bristol,Tn to seminars three or four times a year to Wheeling,WVa,Tahlequa,Ok,and Collingswood,Nj.I have gone to regular JKD classes 100 miles away twice a week.

hey Gary, i went to college in Tahlequah...yeah that is a nice studio there, pretty nice people running it as well...

i currently drive 90 miles 1 way to my school once a me, its every bit worth the drive. id rather make the drive then settle for the crap that is taught in my hometown :asian:

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