Workout program for WC/WT


Master Black Belt
What kind of work out program do you think is the best for WC/WT training?
I.E. Do you lift weights? Resistance bands? What kind of cardio?
What seems to give the best results for you and your training?
Crap. I hate DSL. Seems like I do. Working on getting another service provider, this one is choppy like dial-up.
Will check the other one. Pardon.
check it out. I got some responses on the other one...Which provider do you have?

ATT, I miss cable internet. Can't get it here. I'm probably getting to impatient with the browser. Twice I've created a thread, and then when I looked for in on the board didn't see it. That's why I thought I had to make it again.
Aww you gotta go down the list.

I am new to site so I dont know all the navaigations. But I am sure where you can find just your post and threads some kinda way?

ATT, I miss cable internet. Can't get it here. I'm probably getting to impatient with the browser. Twice I've created a thread, and then when I looked for in on the board didn't see it. That's why I thought I had to make it again.
Aww you gotta go down the list.

I am new to site so I dont know all the navaigations. But I am sure where you can find just your post and threads some kinda way?

Yeah, I'm a dork. I didn't look and was impatient and double posted. Have hyper kiddo running around busy catching her when she leaping in midair off furniture and other crazy stuff while I'm trying to post. lol! kid keeps me on my feet all day!
Haha super baby, Flys off tall furniture leaps small chairs, gives mommies heart attacks across America.

Its a bird its a plan its superbaby flying off the coffe table!

Super baby says:
"Look mama I can Fly!" Wing Chun Baby flies.

Yeah, I'm a dork. I didn't look and was impatient and double posted. Have hyper kiddo running around busy catching her when she leaping in midair off furniture and other crazy stuff while I'm trying to post. lol! kid keeps me on my feet all day!
Haha super baby, Flys off tall furniture leaps small chairs, gives mommies heart attacks across America.

Its a bird its a plan its superbaby flying off the coffe table!

Super baby says:

LOL! You have no idea!
She requests WT/WC videos when where messing around on the computer. So cute! She laughs everytime someone heel kicks their partners butt when they try to do a spinning back kick or backfist. Laughs her head off!
Then kicks mommy.
Wing Chun baby.

Fight for Kisses!
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When is good time to do a spinning backfist. Most people I seen do it first hand. I always hit them right in the middle of their back on their spine before they can hit me with other backfist. Most of time If its a japanese fighter I be waiting on spinning backfist so I can kick them in the back of knee for a take down. If it happens suddenly I move in to their back. If I have enough time grab them by the neck for takedown.

LOL! You have no idea!
She requests WT/WC videos when where messing around on the computer. So cute! She laughs everytime someone heel kicks their partners butt when they try to do a spinning back kick or backfist. Laughs her head off!
Then kicks mommy.
Wing Chun baby.

Fight for Kisses!
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Good time for a spinning backfist. When their already behind you, spin backfist to face the opponent again.
TSD we didn't spin backfist right off the bat. Same with the spinning back kick.
Back kick when their behind you to give you time to turn around. Or for both, when fighting two people. One in front one in back (totally not the position you want or try to be in, but it does happen)
I.E. backfist(or back kick) dude behind you and step into dude in front of you. If guy behind is getting too close, and you want a little time to chainpunch guy in front before guy in back attacks to. This could buy you a couple of seconds. As a possible scenario.

Spinning back fist can be a good follow up if attacker jumps in to your side or behind you in a fight. Say too fast for you to stop them, until their already behind you. (hubbie does this to me, I blink and he's behind me!)

I think MA techniques are just as good as your application of them, and shouldn't just be thrown away just because you haven't seen the right applicaiton yet.
Actually Wing Chun doesn't have a spinning back fist. But I have seen it before. I personally don't practice it because I feel its too slow. Nothing wrong with the spinning back kick. But I rather use turn or rotating force. Now my lineage has a 180 degree turn. So if someone is behind me I can simply turn an completely face him. Its kinda neat how that works. Some times When practice Chum Kiu i envision two people on my left and right and how the different moves of Chum Kiu can be used against multiple attackers!

Good time for a spinning backfist. When their already behind you, spin backfist to face the opponent again.
TSD we didn't spin backfist right off the bat. Same with the spinning back kick.
Back kick when their behind you to give you time to turn around. Or for both, when fighting two people. One in front one in back (totally not the position you want or try to be in, but it does happen)
I.E. backfist(or back kick) dude behind you and step into dude in front of you. If guy behind is getting too close, and you want a little time to chainpunch guy in front before guy in back attacks to. This could buy you a couple of seconds. As a possible scenario.

Spinning back fist can be a good follow up if attacker jumps in to your side or behind you in a fight. Say too fast for you to stop them, until their already behind you. (hubbie does this to me, I blink and he's behind me!)

I think MA techniques are just as good as your application of them, and shouldn't just be thrown away just because you haven't seen the right applicaiton yet.
Actually Wing Chun doesn't have a spinning back fist. But I have seen it before. I personally don't practice it because I feel its too slow. Nothing wrong with the spinning back kick. But I rather use turn or rotating force. Now my lineage has a 180 degree turn. So if someone is behind me I can simply turn an completely face him. Its kinda neat how that works. Some times When practice Chum Kiu i envision two people on my left and right and how the different moves of Chum Kiu can be used against multiple attackers!

I know there's no spinning back fist or kick in WC/WT, just giving times when they could be used more effeciently.
Do you have a charging side kick in your lineage?
We have all sorts of Kicks. For stepping in. But the kick is used mostly to set the opponent up or bridge the gap. But to train the side kick or stepping side kicks are to have weapons to kick the fire out of spleen or kidneys of your opponent.

Do you guys know about training the toe. My Sihing said that if you train the toe by kicking a heavy bag. over years your toes will become like steel and won't break when you kick someone. They have to be condition. But if you condition your toes to do that than your dangerous man who can actually pierce someones side with that kick. Like Piercing kick. Does anyone know about this? I havent started training this yet.
Knew a guy that taught Japanese Karate that taught something like that. They did alot of body hardening drills like that. Didn't stay in that class very long. He said his Sensi could peirce a tree with his big toe. Ouch!

We have all sorts of Kicks. For stepping in. But the kick is used mostly to set the opponent up or bridge the gap. But to train the side kick or stepping side kicks are to have weapons to kick the fire out of spleen or kidneys of your opponent.

Do you guys know about training the toe. My Sihing said that if you train the toe by kicking a heavy bag. over years your toes will become like steel and won't break when you kick someone. They have to be condition. But if you condition your toes to do that than your dangerous man who can actually pierce someones side with that kick. Like Piercing kick. Does anyone know about this? I havent started training this yet.
Oh with this hardening skills combined with Wing Chun. You would have a dangerous fighter.

Knew a guy that taught Japanese Karate that taught something like that. They did alot of body hardening drills like that. Didn't stay in that class very long. He said his Sensi could peirce a tree with his big toe. Ouch!

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