You certainly offer a warm welcome LFJ. I've been in plenty of fights unfortunately due to my profession and as Wing Chun is the only art I know I can say my training and how it's been taught to me works.
Please describe how sticking arm techniques work for you
Most fights I've been in have ended up either in a clinch type situation or on the ground. Wing Chun gives you ideas and ways to deal with both scenarios
In a clinch with someone that knows what they are doing you have fractions of a second with wing chun. On the ground you are f*cked if opponent has a clue and you try to utilise wing chun. It is designed for standing and hitting, not for ground.
Wether or not my hand has sprung forward when the pressure was no more is debatable as there is lots going on in a fight. I still think it's better to practice this way then not to focus on elbow pressure/power.
What pressure? Please describe ho your wing chun functions in a fight.