Women's Avatars

KenpoTess said:
MJ.. uhhh *Hands you a hammer for your puter.. and informs you.. "Remind it Who's Boss"~!!!
I must let the kids out of the closet for a couple of days...the neighbors in my lovely neighborhood are starting to complain about the noise...geesch....so I will take up hammer like putter in a couple days if not sooner...*lots a gigglin* :lol:

Oh and while I'm at it can anyone explain the pixel rates and how that all works? :idunno:
pixel rates...k...'bout damn time all these college classes came in use for something...short for picture element...on your monitor are thousands of pixels that make up a grid, and how colors are displayed are combinations of reds, blues, and greens...on a TV the three are red, blue, and yellow...all combinations of colors on your PC monitor are made from these colors. depending on your color settings and pixel settings on your monitor, it determines how much information can be displayed on the screen. now, related to our avatars, we have a 110x110 limit, meaning the image can be 110 pixels wide by 110 pixels high, and you can change the dimensions of the picture in a relatively simple program such as Paint/Paintbrush that comes standard on any Windows OS...then we have Tess that uses the latest edition of Photoshop...and me that uses the cheapy PhotoImpact...:)
I just added a new picture to my profile. It took me how many months to figure the stupid thing out. Had to resize it twice 'cause I thought it was close enough pixel wise but as always I was wrong. Anyhow the pic was taken just a few hours ago so it's the closest most recent pic. of me. :uhyeah: I guess that's if any of you want to see muh mug shot. :idunno:
...I think for standard members it's 85x85...supporting members its 110x110...cause I was able to change the DBZ .gif I had to a larger one..
Chronuss said:
pixel rates...k...'bout damn time all these college classes came in use for something...short for picture element...on your monitor are thousands of pixels that make up a grid, and how colors are displayed are combinations of reds, blues, and greens...on a TV the three are red, blue, and yellow...all combinations of colors on your PC monitor are made from these colors. depending on your color settings and pixel settings on your monitor, it determines how much information can be displayed on the screen. now, related to our avatars, we have a 110x110 limit, meaning the image can be 110 pixels wide by 110 pixels high, and you can change the dimensions of the picture in a relatively simple program such as Paint/Paintbrush that comes standard on any Windows OS...then we have Tess that uses the latest edition of Photoshop...and me that uses the cheapy PhotoImpact...:)
First, what did you go to school for? Second, thanks that clears up a couple of things! I have so many photo enhancing programs/art programs I can't keep track of them all and not one does everything I need, or in some cases I don't understand all of the features. Like Paint Shop Pro 7 is very cool, but does probably more than I'll ever need. Related to pixel rates...One of the programs is Microsoft Picture It, and you can change the pixel resolution in that program (per inch or per cm does it make a difference?) and the choices for the resolution are: 72, 150, 180, 300, 600 and 1200...I'm wondering what is the difference when would you use these and which is highest /lowest quality? Which makes it a larger/smaller file say for e-mailing? Do highest/lowest largest/smallest coincide?
MJ :)
actually...I'm still in school...beginning of my third year starts next month...blah...resolution is the term for how much information appears on the screen by way of pixels...usually the lowest res Windows operates in is 640x480 pixels...making items on screen appear large because Windows is lying to the monitor saying "this is how many pixels you have to operate with." high res is usually 1024x768...usually photo progs will give you the option to choose the parameter you want to use, whether percentage, cm, inch, or pixel, depending on the prog.
Chronuss said:
actually...I'm still in school...beginning of my third year starts next month...blah...resolution is the term for how much information appears on the screen by way of pixels...usually the lowest res Windows operates in is 640x480 pixels...making items on screen appear large because Windows is lying to the monitor saying "this is how many pixels you have to operate with." high res is usually 1024x768...usually photo progs will give you the option to choose the parameter you want to use, whether percentage, cm, inch, or pixel, depending on the prog.
College is a great time enjoy it... after that...life! Ok so does higher resolution = higher quality?
usually....yes...also means more colors that can be displayed...and file format also comes into play...never save anything as a bitmap...bleh...jpegs, gifs, tiffs are usually high quality, low kb files.
Chronuss said:
usually....yes...also means more colors that can be displayed...and file format also comes into play...never save anything as a bitmap...bleh...jpegs, gifs, tiffs are usually high quality, low kb files.
:cool: Cool...is there a standard res that most programs defaut to? and bleh :rofl:
usually program specific...the one I use (PhotoImpact) has it's own file format...which I've never used...hehe...

speaking of...was finally able to airbrush the picture...spot the difference...:)
Chronuss said:
usually program specific...the one I use (PhotoImpact) has it's own file format...which I've never used...hehe...

speaking of...was finally able to airbrush the picture...spot the difference...:)
Okey doke...and you are looking mighty fine...I be seein :eek: some highlights!
I tried the new avatar maker that you posted, Tess (the one you and MJ are using now), and a) the thing "watching" was eerie, and b) I don't look that glam! I'll stick with the current one, I hear it bears a strong resemblance to me.

You guys look great. :)
Feisty Mouse said:
I tried the new avatar maker that you posted, Tess (the one you and MJ are using now), and a) the thing "watching" was eerie, and b) I don't look that glam! I'll stick with the current one, I hear it bears a strong resemblance to me.

You guys look great. :)
Thanks Feisty...I think the other one was more me, this one really is more Tomb Raiderish, but I figure if you're going to slant the truth well may as well whoop it up big!! :) Maybe I'll just keep switching back and forth confusing people :whip: ...I like the one you have it's sweet....

Chronuss...a big tip for that nice lady...:asian:
Feisty Mouse said:
I tried the new avatar maker that you posted, Tess (the one you and MJ are using now), and a) the thing "watching" was eerie, and b) I don't look that glam! I'll stick with the current one, I hear it bears a strong resemblance to me.

You guys look great. :)
Hey Feisty,

I tried the new avatar and was creating some mighty "unique" pics, however none that i felt captured my true essence! (teeheehee) So just for a change i brought "fire" to life, doesn't resemble me one bit, but the energy is there! So for now, this will do. I agree that your avatar is very sweet (as are you). Thanks for bringing this thread to life by posting the original link (from the LLR) in response to my query regarding the origins and meaning of your own avatar. It's been wonderful to get a chance to "see" the great folks posting out here! (the ones i don't already know in person) - as for the people i see all the time, well we've had some real giggles over our avatars.

Peace and Light :asian:

Kenpo Mama
Okay, y'all - here's one I'll keep for a little while - kinda looks like me when I'm fighting - or really ticked off. Didn't make it, but what the hey.
MJ and Kenpo Mama -

Oh, would you just START already! :) Thank you. I'm glad they've been a hit.

KM - where did you get the avatar you're using now? I ask because at the other online forum I check in on, a woman has that as her sig pic, and I've always liked it. Is cool.

Shesulsa - rowr!!
Feisty Mouse said:
KM - where did you get the avatar you're using now? I ask because at the other online forum I check in on, a woman has that as her sig pic, and I've always liked it. Is cool.

Shesulsa - rowr!!
Hey Feisty, thanks, glad you like. i actually got the avatar from a quizilla.com quiz on "your element" My 14 year old daughter sent me the link. here it is, it's a fun quiz, but i love the pics. http://quizilla.com/users/carmabell/quizzes/What's Your Element(girls)? (PICTURES

- hope this link works for you

Shesulsa - really cool avatar.

Kenpo Mama:)

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