Women's Avatars

mj-hi-yah said:
LOL atta girl...If you really can't figure it out e-mail it to me and I'll shrink it fer ya...

Its OK - Im alright now - lost my head for a while lol. Will give it another crack when I get home as I want to take the oportunity to give myself an extreme makeover as well... :rolleyes:
MJ Woohoo~!!

hey here ya go~!

Vidu Creator

First thing you're going to want to do is to turn off the uber-freaky "follow the cursor" option. (On your right, below "Create your Vidu".) They don't cross their eyes, so it's no fun and also seriously wig-inducing to have the avatar watch your cursor everywhere it goes.

After you've done that, here's the break down as far as I can tell...

Left Side:
Vidu Typen - Type of... erm... Vidu, a.k.a. Avatar (Select at the top. There are 24 types.)
Haar - Hair
Augen - Eyes
Nase - Nose
Mund - Mouth
Kopf - Face
Körper - Body

Right Side:
Hüte - Hat
Brillen - Glasses
Schmuck (Schmuck!) - Necklace-type things
Extra - Not sure about that one. ;) Moles, scars, piercings, etc.
Make Up - Another confusing one.
Shirts - Ya got me. Durn furiners.

Farbe - Color
Grösse - Shape

After you're all done, you can play with the "Hintergrund" (a.k.a. Background), located at the top of the right column.

If you get confused, just keep clickin'... I'm sure you can figure it out! ;)

Then press the Print Screen key on your keyboard (right next to the "Any" key), open Paint, IrfanView or whatever, and paste (Ctrl+V). You're set to go! :)
Yee~Ha Tess and now you can see why I am the last to leave the party! :D If you're still tuning in....I figured out how to create her, but how da heck did you shut off that freaky cursor? And the print screen is a great idea I was getting lost in a German virtual vortex trying trying to figure out how to save her...And Tess so F U N :boing2:
heheee ~!! Yeah that freaky cursor eye thingydo.. ack~!

Just go to the left..err I mean the right of the flash proggie.. and poke around til you see 'Follow cursor' click the boxy and you should be set to go~!
oh let's see if this thing will upload..
*Snorts* I had too much free time on my hands playing in gif animation *giggling*


*HA HA HA* That's so cool too! What program did you use?

Here's my new me really just looking way too much like I'm 19 again! And ...:lookie: like I'm someone else actually *giggle* I think the other one was more like me...I'll leave this until tomorrow so you can see Tess! I was tempted to use the devil horns...*evil grin*
no, no, no...Angelina Jolie...Lara Croft: The Movie *coughcomplimentcough* ...based on the Tomb Raider VG series ....I really am showing how young I am....:rolleyes:
pete said:
hey kenpo mama... did your aviator tell some lies?

Okay Smart guy! Here's my avatar with a nose job!!! Now let's see if i can post "pete's" avatar!!! Look quick everyone - This is Pete!!!!


Kenpo Mama
Kenpo Mama said:
Okay Smart guy! Here's my avatar with a nose job!!! Now let's see if i can post "pete's" avatar!!! Look quick everyone - This is Pete!!!!


Kenpo Mama

Dang - All these people, all these looks and all these brains, too! This could be a dangerous place to lurk!
Lookin' Good, Caver!!

Aww shucks, I don't have to take that..wait a minnit... already said that line...err..umm, thanks... :D

RCastillo Just for that, a member of the Imperial Forces shall visit you shortly!
(With the mask)
Whew! For a minnit I was worried that you'd send agents from the International Spies Incorporated (yes that's a Trivia one for ya)...
Tell the stormtroopers not to show up too early, I like to sleep in.

and they just had to take that show off the air...my encouragable young mind enjoyed that show thoroughly.
Yeah, I loved it too... especially their cries of terror "Speed! We're gonna crash!" "Oooohhhhhh!" Oh wait a minnit... you guys were talking about Ren and Stimpy weren't cha? Oh well.

"yes...yes...I like you...when I take over the world, your death shall be quick and painless."
YES! YES! LOVE STEWIE! "Victory is mine! ... Damn! "
That show is FRICKEN SWEEET!

For Complete! Speed Racer Lyrics check out associated thread
Chronuss - how did you resize it without reducing the quality?
mj-hi-yah said:
Here's my new me really just looking way too much like I'm 19 again! And ...:lookie: like I'm someone else actually *giggle* I think the other one was more like me...I'll leave this until tomorrow so you can see Tess! I was tempted to use the devil horns...*evil grin*

Your avatar is looking really awesome.

Pay no attention to Chronuss' Vin Diesel comment! :rolleyes:
Chronuss, next time we square off. :whip:

Again, always looking lovely even in cartoon land. :)
Chronuss said:
used a photo prog to reduce the dimensions in pixels.

I have some new pics. anyway Pal! However I don't think I'll put them up here any more. I caught a lot of Hell from people calling me on the phone asking what I was doin'. Vin Diesel nothin! :idunno:
Okay - I had to use Fireworks, crop it, resize in pixels and pull it back up again in paint to save it successfully as a .gif file.

Here's what my daughter thinks I look like according to the new program Tess posted. It's probably me about ten years ago. I think the prior toon more closely resembles me and I will probably, eventually, go back to my little girl in pigtails with the innocent look on her face and sword in her hands. Just somethin' about her....
Chronuss said:
no, no, no...Angelina Jolie...Lara Croft: The Movie *coughcomplimentcough* ...based on the Tomb Raider VG series ....I really am showing how young I am....:rolleyes:
No ha ha ha ha ha I know Lara....:jaws: punch shark in the nose arrrgggg... I like your German avatar! It's coooooool!

Shesulsa *sizzle* OUCH! I say keep it!

Jfarnworth said:
Your avatar is looking really awesome.
Thanks....too bad I don't relly look like that, or have Anglina Jolie's lips or money...hee hee

Kenpo Mama...how very sneaky of you! *giggle*

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